Complete Re-Install of DAZ 4.8 - Some Characters Loading With Marble Skin

in New Users
I completely uninstalled and reinstalled Daz4.8, wiping everything from my drive to ensure a clean re-install. The program is installed in my C Drive, an SSD. Content is on a separate HDD. Attached are screen shots of my DIM paths, Content Directory Paths, and products installed so far.
Some characters (Rayn, Teen Josie, Teen Kimmy) all load ok. However, Gen3F, Skyler (Gen3) and Gen2M load with marble white skin.
I tried re-installing Default Lights and Shaders. Didn't work.
Any advice as to why this is happening and how to fix it is appreciated.

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Content Directory Path.JPG
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The characters not loading seem to be the ones that load with 3Delight textures as default so perhaps you forgot to reinstall the free shader packs (or something went wrong with your install) - I know one is
Try reinstalling those shaders & see if that fixes things
I think Tottallou is right, that you are missing the AoA Subsurface is a separate download from the rest and isn't showing on your DIM list. And all three of the white characters use that one for their default shader.
You can also look at the log file (Help > Troubleshooting > View Log) and see if it says anything about missing shaders.
I searched my hard drive for the file and it appears to exist. See screenshot. I checked the log for "missing" and the word "error" and "shader" and found nothing that stood out.
I did try Tottallou's advice and reinstalled the Subsurface Shader Base. MJC, my original screenshot does show the subsurface shader installed at the bottom, right above Teen Josie....unless I am misunderstanding you.
I've been working on this issue for nearly a month via a trouble ticket and the last resort was to completely uninstall everything and re-install it. I did it one step at a type, checked paths after each install, etc. But I get the same error and it still has to do with the AoA Subsurface Shader. Is there another folder or something that I should copy the file into? is there...silly me.
In your Content Library (not Smart Content) under Shader Presets is there an Age of Armor entry...and is there a Subsurface Base in there?
Also, in the DIM, if you select the shader and then click on the arrow at the far right you can view the installed files list for it. Post a screenshot of that.
ok - checking now
There is a Subsurface Base in Shader Presets - Age Of Armor. I also copied the AoA_Subsurface.duf into that folder to see if it would do anything and it did not. Attached is a screenshot of the Installed Files.
The dsf file needs to stay in the data folder...
From the middle screenshot, the shader is loading, but it is loading in a very crippled manner...none of the settings it should have are present.
Go to Help > About Installed Plugins and scroll down to the 'S' section and look for anything ShaderMixer related.
We have a winner! I went to Help > About Plugins and went to S.....
One of the Shader plugins was disabled. I enabled it and restarted DAZ and all characters are loading with the appropriate skin!!!!
This has been a long journey for me, and now it seems to be over. Thank you soooooo much, MJC!!!!! And Angie in Tech Support, thank you for the dozens of email exchanges about this!!
Seeing that screenie with the shader showing practically nothing was the tip off that maybe Shader Mixer itself was the problem. Glad to see that it is now working.
AoA's subsurface shader is in the Default Lights and Shaders package, there is no need to install the the stand-alone package and that may have been what broke the shaders.