ack! Lost all my cameras??

in New Users
So I was doing a scene, I saved it to experiment with some new settings, and during experimenting found a new camera angle I liked. I saved it as a camera preset, then loaded the original scene, created a camera, and applied the preset. Continued working for some time, then wanted to change to another angle, whereupon I found that ALL my cameras were gone, except the new one! What happened? Can I get them back?? (without undoing all the new work I've done?) : (
Unless you saved them, nope. If you saved them in older scene save, them you can merge (click with right mouse button on saved scene and use Merge Into Scene option) older save with your current scene and than remove what you dont need.
Camera and light presets will do that, remove all existing cameras and lights. You can press and hold Ctrl (Cmd on Mac) key and double click on preset and in new window you will have option to switch to Add instead Remove All.
ah crap, I see that now (re: loading a preset destroys all other cameras) SIGH.
Here I thought I had found a nifty and convenienty way to quickly jump around through various camera angles without having to cumbersomely click in the drop down cameras and select them every time.
How can I change the preferences so that simply double clicking a preset will create a new camera instead of destroying old ones? I did the control click like you said, and selected "add" then I also went to preferences and set this as the default preference. Now when I control click, "add" is indeed already selected. However, this does not change the fact that double clicking removes all cameras from the scene. I still have to control click and then, without changing anything, hit "accept", and it works. Seems kind of strange...
Holding down sift while double-clicking should apply your prefered option, but unless it's been very recently fixed it isn't working - ctrl-click and get the dialogue or plain double-click and get the default seem to be the only worjing options.
IS there a hotkey to quickly scroll through camera views?
Tangentially, is there a way to make lights so they a re not visible (I don't want to see the grey lines)? I know I can click the little "eye" next to it, but that turns off the light, which I don't want.
I'm not aware of a bult-in way to switch through cameras, though it should be scriptable.
There are settings for the appearance of the avatar in the parameetrs pane for lights (and cameras) as I recall, but I can't check just now.