Viewing Figures as Neutral Gray Sculptures
I've been playing with DS for a couple of months now, and whilr the full colour figures are great, what I'm really looking for is simple grayscale figures to use as illustration reference. Is there a way to view my poses in preview as gray "sculptures" or is it something that can only be done as renders? And if only as renders, how?
You could make a very basic grey shader and apply that.
In D/S Create a sphere. It is grey ... actually could make it any colour you want to. When it is as desired, then File > Save as > Shader preset ... can save that into any folder in "My Library" but not the runtime. So for example you could save it to the People > Genesis [or whichever] folder so it's right there for use. To apply a shader, both the figure and the surfaces must be selected. On the surface tab if you select the main figure they will "all" be selected.
Or just change your view mode to "Smooth shaded".
I have had good luck with the G2F/G2M and G3F Grey mats from Spyrorue at Sharecg. Spryorue also has a G3F reset pose set.
Thanks for all the suggetions, appreciate it.