.obj files not loading properly in 4.8

Greetings all,
After morphing figures in Sculptris or Blacksmith 3D, the .obj files load incorrectly upon re-import to Daz Studio. Specifically, the Genesis and Genesis 2 figures load into the scene with the lower half of their bodies below floor level. After moving the figure to the floor, then using the Transfer Utility tool, the figure drops below the floor again and the source skeleton stays where it belongs. I've also tried to load the .obj as a morph, but it won't function properly there, either. I've successfully created morphs in the past with version 4.5 or 4.6, so I'm wondering if there's something different that has to be done in 4.8 when importing .obj files or if something has glitched in my application. Apologies if this topic has been addressed somewhere else, but after days of searching, I couldn't find anything similar. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
You aren't preserving the vertex order, are translating the items in your modelling program, are not using the same import/export settings, are adding vertices/not using the base resolution or some combination of these.
1. Be sure that you work on the base resolution.
2. Export and import at the same selected scale.
3. Use or do nothing that removes or adds vertices to the geometry.
4. Are you loading with MLP? Make sure the figure in the same state as you exported (base resolution).
mjc and Chris,
Thank you both for taking the time to respond.
I'm careful to export with base resolution, sub-d set to zero, and to turn off the "Detail" setting in Sculptris so as not to add any new geometry. MLP loads the morph successfully, but when I adjust the slider it simply changes the figure's scale. I'm going to check to see if there are settings for Sculptris and Blacksmith 3D to make certain they are preserving the model's base resolution on import/export. As I said in my original post, I've created quite a few morphs in the past using Morph Loader Pro and Sculptris without any problem. I stopped doing it for a few months, and now am at a total loss as to why I'm having this much trouble.
Something is shifting, somewhere, and that's what's causing MLP to have a fit...and there has to be a translation or scale change to cause the movement.
If you export anything, can be a sphere or cube primitive, and immediately reimport it, is it shifted in position?
Both you and Chris were spot on - I was not re-importing from Sculptris at the required 10,000% scale. Also, exporting and immediately re-importing is no problem with any of the figures. However, the same issue is persisting when importing an .obj altered in Blacksmith 3D. I'm going to inquire on their forum to see what I'm doing wrong. Once I get it figured out, I'll post the solution here in case anyone else ever runs into this.
P.S. Thanks again for your response.
Don't worry about native scales...just remember to match import/export in Studio. I don't think there is a preset for Blacksmith...so you should use one of the existing ones (Daz native, Hex, etc).
It seems that Blacksmith 3D is capable of importing all of Daz and Poser's native files directly. I was exporting from Daz as an .obj, which is what I do for importing into Sculptris. Now I simply open B3D, browse through my folders, then import .duf, cr2, etc. right from my directory, and all the morphed figures are re-importing to Daz flawlessly.
I want to thank you and Chris again for responding to my inquiry, and everyone who takes the time to post on these forums - they are a wealth of information.