Having a program for Photo, or in our case render maniputlation will help you with many things on the journey with DAZ, Try Gimp its free, has loads of tutorials floating through the Web and can use most of the photoshop brushes. Once you get the hang of it you can create own textures and the like, eg Rain, there is a tutorial for making rain with Gimp over at dA
many thanks all! i do not know what Gimp is??? or what rederosity is?? if you have time to go into detail or post links to sites that explain what these are and how to use them i would be most appreciative. Do i need to download Gimp? if so where?
Renderosity is another shop for 3d content, just put it into google and you have it. For Gimp here is a link to the original site https://www.gimp.org/ which you should use (or a mirror site for your homecountry) if you decide to download.
renderosity is another site that sells daz/poser items so we're not allowed to post links to it. Gimp is a free photo editing program, it should be safe for me to post a link to that
thank you both. i found suitable rain that should work just fine. i dont require anything too complicated and brushes, although im sure are not too complicated still seem to be more than i requie.i am assuming that once i purchase any product with renderosity, i will install it with the Daz installer the same way i would with daz content? or is there another way?
also it says 3 daz 4.6 presets. if i am running 4.8. can i safely assum that 4.6 means 4.6 and higher?
thank you both. i found suitable rain that should work just fine. i dont require anything too complicated and brushes, although im sure are not too complicated still seem to be more than i requie.i am assuming that once i purchase any product with renderosity, i will install it with the Daz installer the same way i would with daz content? or is there another way?
also it says 3 daz 4.6 presets. if i am running 4.8. can i safely assum that 4.6 means 4.6 and higher?
The DIM (DAZ Install Manager) can only install DAZ 3D content bought in the store here, so you will need to install the content yourself. Presets that work in DS4.6 should work in DS4.8. Once you download the ZIP file, you could post a list of the contents here, and we can help you with where to put it all.
There are ways to do things like rain and snow with planes, textures, and opacity maps. I believe one of the Dreamlight tutorials addresses this, but I can't remember which one offhand.
Ok thank you. I have purchashed the rain but i have to wait for to download the iten as a first time buyer for 24 hours. I will post the file here tomorrow to ask for installation guidance. Cheers.
Hi again, another new query. I want to purchase some easy to use tattoos that also do not require PS CC or brushes etc. I found something called Inked on rendersoity but am not sure if they are compatible with Daz AND Gen 3 Vic 7. Any ideas?
It says Software: DS 4. But it says Base Figure: Dawn. Requirements: Poser 7 or higher or DAZ Studio 2.3 or higher; Dawn by HiveWire3D
Im guessing not since it says "any Dawn character using only the Poser Material Room". Not sure what Hivewire 3D is. Looked it up but couldnt find anything on it. I wouldnt need this but there are no tattoo packages for Vic 7 Gen 3 females on Daz as far as I know. Aready tried gen 2 packages on gen 3 with poor results, unless i did it wrong but... Im open to any other package purchases or work arounds that do not involve anything more than uploading to Daz. I did find a Gen 3 body piercings package so thats progess! Cheers all!
Hivewire3d is a relatively new site that sells mostly poser but some daz stuff. Dawn is one of their custom - stand alone characters.
As long as the tattoos are in the form of images (png, jpg, etc.) then they can be added to any character using LIE image editior in daz (with some manual placement and tweeking of the image)
Do you know how to merge folders? (hoping you are on Windows OS)
All you should have to do is open the zip file and merge the runtime folder in the zip with your runtime folder on your pc where your daz products are installed.
there's a readme on the product page that tells where all the files should be
Hello again, i am now looking into Fog. There is a cheaper option on renderosity but it doesnt look too great. My question is, the one on Daz says "Fog Cameras", what does that mean exactly by cameras if I just want plain ol' fog?
Hello again, i am now looking into Fog. There is a cheaper option on renderosity but it doesnt look too great. My question is, the one on Daz says "Fog Cameras", what does that mean exactly by cameras if I just want plain ol' fog?
It will add a new camera to the scene, where you can set different fog settings (visibility, color etc. The settings will depend on what product you use). If you render through this camera, the result will have fog in it.
does that mean you have to use that camera to have access to that fog? that seems like a silly limitation no? can you not just access the fog you want and set your camera where you want? thanks.
does that mean you have to use that camera to have access to that fog? that seems like a silly limitation no? can you not just access the fog you want and set your camera where you want? thanks.
It's the same as any other camera. You can move it around, have several of them on the scene etc. It's not limiting you. I guess it has technical reasons, bt you can still work the same way as always, just use the Fog camera, instead of for example Camera 2.
i just purchased some piercings and need help understanding how to install them please. In addition to the attachments I posted it also says, "All the earring props will load from Genesis 3 Female > Clothing > Sveva > !Jewelry > SV's Chunky Hoops, inlcuded also in two seperate folders is 06 metal shaders for Iray.."
not sure if this is a process you do in the finder (mac OS) or in Daz itself??
does that mean you have to use that camera to have access to that fog? that seems like a silly limitation no? can you not just access the fog you want and set your camera where you want? thanks.
It's the same as any other camera. You can move it around, have several of them on the scene etc. It's not limiting you. I guess it has technical reasons, bt you can still work the same way as always, just use the Fog camera, instead of for example Camera 2.
i just purchased some piercings and need help understanding how to install them please. In addition to the attachments I posted it also says, "All the earring props will load from Genesis 3 Female > Clothing > Sveva > !Jewelry > SV's Chunky Hoops, inlcuded also in two seperate folders is 06 metal shaders for Iray.."
not sure if this is a process you do in the finder (mac OS) or in Daz itself??
i just dropped the unzipped file into the "My Library" folder in the Mac OS finder but there are still 4 other folders within that, "scenes, presets, figures, and data" do i place the entire unzipped file into one of those folders? and also the unzipped file contains 4 subsequent files, "data, documentation, people, runtime" do i leave them all in the "mother" file?
and also the unzipped file contains 4 subsequent files, "data, documentation, people, runtime" do i leave them all in the "mother" file?
If you were using a PC, it would be much simpler to do, how it works on the Mac I am not sure. On a PC, you would simply drop the four files mentioned above into the 'My Library'. folder, where they would merge with the original folders ( which is what you want accomplish) You do NOT want to leave them in the origina 'mother' folder.
I believe that some Mac systems can merge folders without replacing them, but I think we would need a Mac user to advise you on this.
i figured it out thank you! although i cant get the textures/colors to change but the piercings are showing up in the library.
so i actuall have not figured it out. when i go to render, the piercings are not showing up, and they are actaully also showing pre render as huge squares. i have asked the author for help to install and they have made it clear that i have not done it correctly but they cannot clearly explain to me exactly where and how to place the files in order to get the product to properly work. can someone please help to clearly explain to a novice step by step what exactly to place where. I have to seperate zip folders of content and tried putting them into Documents>Daz3D>Studio>MyLibrary...that is when it showed up and didnt work properly. According to the author i need to place it in the data folder one further folder in. I did this, then quit and reopened and could no longer access the product at all. So no idea what to do. Also its 2 seperate folders, is that normal? thanks in advance. i can send screen shots on request.
Ron's brushes can be used in Gimp as well, and Gimp is free, is that what you mean?
there's a fire and rain pack over on renderosity that I have and looks/works real well
Having a program for Photo, or in our case render maniputlation will help you with many things on the journey with DAZ, Try Gimp its free, has loads of tutorials floating through the Web and can use most of the photoshop brushes. Once you get the hang of it you can create own textures and the like, eg Rain, there is a tutorial for making rain with Gimp over at dA
Renderosity is another shop for 3d content, just put it into google and you have it. For Gimp here is a link to the original site https://www.gimp.org/ which you should use (or a mirror site for your homecountry) if you decide to download.
renderosity is another site that sells daz/poser items so we're not allowed to post links to it. Gimp is a free photo editing program, it should be safe for me to post a link to that
thank you both. i found suitable rain that should work just fine. i dont require anything too complicated and brushes, although im sure are not too complicated still seem to be more than i requie.i am assuming that once i purchase any product with renderosity, i will install it with the Daz installer the same way i would with daz content? or is there another way?
also it says 3 daz 4.6 presets. if i am running 4.8. can i safely assum that 4.6 means 4.6 and higher?
The DIM (DAZ Install Manager) can only install DAZ 3D content bought in the store here, so you will need to install the content yourself. Presets that work in DS4.6 should work in DS4.8. Once you download the ZIP file, you could post a list of the contents here, and we can help you with where to put it all.
There are ways to do things like rain and snow with planes, textures, and opacity maps. I believe one of the Dreamlight tutorials addresses this, but I can't remember which one offhand.
Ok thank you. I have purchashed the rain but i have to wait for to download the iten as a first time buyer for 24 hours. I will post the file here tomorrow to ask for installation guidance. Cheers.
Hi again, another new query. I want to purchase some easy to use tattoos that also do not require PS CC or brushes etc. I found something called Inked on rendersoity but am not sure if they are compatible with Daz AND Gen 3 Vic 7. Any ideas?
It says Software: DS 4. But it says Base Figure: Dawn. Requirements: Poser 7 or higher or DAZ Studio 2.3 or higher; Dawn by HiveWire3D
Im guessing not since it says "any Dawn character using only the Poser Material Room". Not sure what Hivewire 3D is. Looked it up but couldnt find anything on it. I wouldnt need this but there are no tattoo packages for Vic 7 Gen 3 females on Daz as far as I know. Aready tried gen 2 packages on gen 3 with poor results, unless i did it wrong but... Im open to any other package purchases or work arounds that do not involve anything more than uploading to Daz. I did find a Gen 3 body piercings package so thats progess! Cheers all!
Hivewire3d is a relatively new site that sells mostly poser but some daz stuff. Dawn is one of their custom - stand alone characters.
As long as the tattoos are in the form of images (png, jpg, etc.) then they can be added to any character using LIE image editior in daz (with some manual placement and tweeking of the image)
Ok so I have downloaded the zips, but do I need to open them all? Or just the OBJ's?
Do you know how to merge folders? (hoping you are on Windows OS)
All you should have to do is open the zip file and merge the runtime folder in the zip with your runtime folder on your pc where your daz products are installed.
there's a readme on the product page that tells where all the files should be
Hello again, i am now looking into Fog. There is a cheaper option on renderosity but it doesnt look too great. My question is, the one on Daz says "Fog Cameras", what does that mean exactly by cameras if I just want plain ol' fog?
It will add a new camera to the scene, where you can set different fog settings (visibility, color etc. The settings will depend on what product you use). If you render through this camera, the result will have fog in it.
does that mean you have to use that camera to have access to that fog? that seems like a silly limitation no? can you not just access the fog you want and set your camera where you want? thanks.
It's the same as any other camera. You can move it around, have several of them on the scene etc. It's not limiting you. I guess it has technical reasons, bt you can still work the same way as always, just use the Fog camera, instead of for example Camera 2.
i just purchased some piercings and need help understanding how to install them please. In addition to the attachments I posted it also says, "All the earring props will load from Genesis 3 Female > Clothing > Sveva > !Jewelry > SV's Chunky Hoops, inlcuded also in two seperate folders is 06 metal shaders for Iray.."
not sure if this is a process you do in the finder (mac OS) or in Daz itself??
Ok cool thanks, good tip :)
i just dropped the unzipped file into the "My Library" folder in the Mac OS finder but there are still 4 other folders within that, "scenes, presets, figures, and data" do i place the entire unzipped file into one of those folders? and also the unzipped file contains 4 subsequent files, "data, documentation, people, runtime" do i leave them all in the "mother" file?
If you were using a PC, it would be much simpler to do, how it works on the Mac I am not sure. On a PC, you would simply drop the four files mentioned above into the 'My Library'. folder, where they would merge with the original folders ( which is what you want accomplish) You do NOT want to leave them in the origina 'mother' folder.
I believe that some Mac systems can merge folders without replacing them, but I think we would need a Mac user to advise you on this.
i figured it out thank you! although i cant get the textures/colors to change but the piercings are showing up in the library.
so i actuall have not figured it out. when i go to render, the piercings are not showing up, and they are actaully also showing pre render as huge squares. i have asked the author for help to install and they have made it clear that i have not done it correctly but they cannot clearly explain to me exactly where and how to place the files in order to get the product to properly work. can someone please help to clearly explain to a novice step by step what exactly to place where. I have to seperate zip folders of content and tried putting them into Documents>Daz3D>Studio>MyLibrary...that is when it showed up and didnt work properly. According to the author i need to place it in the data folder one further folder in. I did this, then quit and reopened and could no longer access the product at all. So no idea what to do. Also its 2 seperate folders, is that normal? thanks in advance. i can send screen shots on request.