Missing files: AoA_Subsuraface.dsf

in New Users
I have daz studio 4.8 installed with genesis 3 starter essentials female pack, I get this missing files error. How can I fix it?
Have you installed Subsurface Shader Base?
Yes, perhaps I installed it incorrectly?
I copied contents from these two files:
1. SubsurfaceShaderBase.zip
to this folder:
Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library
I am able to see and load genesis 3, but I get that AoA_Subsuraface.dsf error.
Make sure you took the files out of the Content folder from the zip. In fact the AoA SSS shader is in the default Lights and Shaders package.
I copied the shader zip file to the wrong folder, it works now, thanks guys.
Did you copy the "data", "ReadMe", "Runtime" and "Shader Preset" folders to My Library or did you copy the whole "Content" folder?
Also can I assume you have a reason for not using DIM?
EDIT: My typing is so slow LOL
I copied everything inside the "Contents" folder.
Not sure, what does DIM do exactly? It's the install manager right?
Yes, DIM is the Download Install Manager.