Some help with iRay
Here is a render of G2F using the iRay dome, a rear rim meshlight and a front (dim) meshlight to produce an eye reflection.
Here are the things I am unhappy with and wonder if anyone can help
1) there is a sharp border at the lip zone which looks artificial. I realise they are two separate zones, so maybe this is unavoidable?
2) why do the eyes look 'milky' and unclear? I have set the eye refl, cornea to "thin water" as you are meant to. So it shouldn't be that. She looks like she's starting an eye disease!
3) the skin isn't specular enough. How can I give it a bit of gloss? (as I don't know this shader well yet, i don't know what the equivalent channels to "glossiness" and "specular strength" would be)

Yes, the lips should blend better than that...are you sure the settings for both the lips and face are the same?
Not sure what's up with the eye...what are the IOR values you are using?
There are huge long threads on the skin issue...
Sure, the lips blend fine if the settings are the same. But generally you don't want to have to set the lips and the face to exactly the same. For one thing, they are more specular, more bumpy etc.
The eyes are set to the "thin water" shader (which is IOR 1.33)
ok, I think I solved the glossiness issue. I changed the base mixing to PBR specular/glossiness (it was on mettalicity/roughness). I think it looks more realistic like this.
But the eyes and lips are still a problem
happy with the face and lips, but I still can't figure out what's wrong with her eyes!
I think what you are seeing as a problem with the eyes is that they are heavily reflecting... you can see the light (rectangle light in the front, right?) and probably something reflecting from the dome. You mentioned above the eyes were set with the "thin water"... what PART of the eyes are you using this shader on?
The eyes:
1. Make sure what you're seeing isn't a "baked in" reflection for the eye surface. You want to not use an eye surface where the glints are painted in.
2. Mesh lights provide diffuse light only, so by definition, they do not provide strong specularity. Use a spotlight instead with its emitter changed from point (infinitely small; basically no dimension at all) to a round disc of at least 30 cm. The larger the emitter, the softer the shadows, but also the less distinct the glint reflection in eyes.
3. If you want a small glint, use a spotlight with a smaller emitter, but dial its luminosity down. That will prevent it from contributing to any shadows.
4. Check the surface shaders used for all the eye components. The three main ones are Eye Reflection, Cornea, and Sclera. At least Eye Reflection should be set to a thin-walled water or glass. (Don't apply the same shader to the cornea or you could introduce fireflies. The Daz Iray shader for G2F has this wrong.) Avoid any pure-white surfaces for any of the color nodes, including Glossy Color. Otherwise that also will contribute to fireflies.