Extended cab Truck

I bought a Model from Turbosquid Model of a large truck. Unknown to me My client informaed me they the truck they were going to order has an extended cab with windows. I am going to have to use the model I have. I easily exttended the cad in the vertex room. I usualy make my models in HEX but have to use Carrara vertex modeling on this one. Have a few questions...


1) Is there any way to place a PIC in the vertext room so I cam accuractely model the new window and other stuff on the extended cab area.

2) What would be the best way to create the new vertexs points and lines for the window? CUT? BOLEEN? Other?



Screen Shot 2015-12-19 at 3.17.11 PM.jpg
1296 x 909 - 233K
1280 x 720 - 52K
Screen Shot 2015-12-19 at 3.19.40 PM.jpg
1036 x 818 - 156K


  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    In the Vertex modeller,. look on the bottom right hand side, "Global" tab  the top sectio should be "Background",. You can load your images there.

    NOTE: the images are only visible when viewing through the Front / Back / Left / Right etc. (not through the Directors camera view)


    To create a Window, or Hole in an object,. select some polygons and hit delete.

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