about Camera (Dof) in Iray

in New Users
Hi. Some of the iray HDR maps(Dimension Theory for example) i purchased at Daz have this kind of camera(Dof), depth of field if im not mistaken in their camera setting. Once rendered using the hdr maps with backgroundThe image came out blurry. I m not sure how to adjust Dof in Iray, and how to focus on character and object. Any help is really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Which one exactly are you using, link please?
It sounds to me like you are using a jpg image instead of the .HDR file? What is the name of the file you are loading, and where are you loading it to?
No... they are correct. Some of the DT irradiance sets come with cameras that have DOF applied.
My suggestion is to not use the DOF cameras, or simply turn off DOF in the Camera settings.
If you need help with turning off DOF, I think you can find that here: http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/userguide/chapters/cameras_and_views/start
thanks. sorry i forgot to mention, the one i am using is this http://www.daz3d.com/daz-studio-iray-hdr-outdoor-environments
actually i am just experimenting with DoF thing. I am new to it. i purposely use camera(DoF) instead of the other regular camera in the presets. I jam trying to make the object(character) sharp and the background blurry. When i move the default camera(DoF) from its current preset location, everything starts to get blurry( the object and background)
DoF will depend on various factors. The Camera to subject distance is one of them, so if you move tha camera, it will alter the DoF to some extent. Another is the Aperture or f Stop, a larger number (smaller aperture) should give you more DoF, and of course the focal lenght of the lens as well. Longer focal lenghts reduce the amount of DoF available, whereas shorter focal lengths increase it a lot.
An easy way to adjust the DoF settings is to select your camera in the scene tab so that it is the highlighted object. Select Perspective View in the View tab instead of a camera. Click on the little square box [+] (the view frame) so that the perspective view is now focused on your camera. You may need to back it off to get everything to show in the scene, but you should now see your camera with a little box made of two planes coming from your camera. Adjusting the Focal Distance and F/stop will move the two planes and the box. Anything inside the box is usually the thing that is in focus. Anything outside that box is out of focus. Just play with it until you get the look you want.
awesome, thanks for the info JimmyC_2009 and Knittingmommy. The info you provided really helps alot.