Victoria7 Breasts

in New Users
When I insert a V7 character into a scene and then dial a different "People" shape (Summer, Indigo, etc.) and/or change her breast size larger or smaller, the breasts render with a line under each boob. It looks like the character just took off a bra with an underwire. I have to go into Photoshop and remove the lines under the boobs.
Has anyone esle experienced this problem with Victoria 7's breasts?
It's probably due to the normal maps - other people have met this issue and found that to be the root. Try taking the normal maps off, if there's an option (or by going into the surfaces pane) and see if that cures the issue.
That did the trick, Richard. I loaded two of the same character variations of V7 with identical morphs dialed in and then posed them equally side by side in several test poses, and the one with Normal Maps turned off did not have the noticable "under-breast" lines. Thank you!