A Request to Vendors from a Broken Hearted Customer

Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,619

I love our vendors here on Daz.  They are talented, hard working, amazing people who make my life brighter by creating things that help me make art.  Art is my therapy, which I desperately need because I have chronic pain that NEVER goes away, and I need something to distract me from it.  So ya’ll really don’t know how much I appreciate you all.

It’s always fun when vendors interact with the customers, here on the forums or on other sites.  I like getting to know you, it’s so nice to feel like a community here.

But please, please, think about your client base before you post things.  It really hurts when someone you have come to like deeply offends you.  One of my favorite vendors recently posted a picture on another website that mocked my religion.  I was shocked and hurt.  I will NOT name names, they obviously have every right to post whatever they want, and I would NEVER want to hinder that.  Free speech is a crucial thing!  But, at the same time, I have the right to be offended.  I have the right to no longer feel comfortable about that vendor.  And I have the right to, sadly, never feel ok buying anything from them ever again.

It probably doesn’t matter at all to them that I won’t buy any more of their products, I’m just a drop of water in the bucket of their customers.  But I am so sad about this.  So I just wanted to take a moment to let vendors know that, depending on what you post that mocks other people, you could very well lose customers.  And hurt customers.  If that doesn’t matter to you, that’s absolutely fine.  It’s totally your right.

But I just wanted to vent a little bit, and hope that maybe someone might see this and ponder a little bit before they post offensive material.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,537

    I think the lack of self aweness shown by some PAs is astounding

    there is one who I will never buy anything from because of the racist and homophopbic posts he makes on Facebook

    (obviously I unfollowed him after seeing that)

    yes everyone is entitled to their beliefs and opinions but they also should be aware it might be biting them in the bum as far as customers go

  • N-RArtsN-RArts Posts: 1,522
    edited April 2024

    I had a "run in" with one of my favourite vendors on another site. 

    If I want any of their items, I wait until they're dirt cheap. Other than that, their content (especially newer content) no longer interests me. 

    They may be able to make good 3D content. But they shouldn't be put on a pedestal, free to get away with whatever.

    Personally, if it was as bad as you say it was, I'd report them to Daz (using what they posted as proof). That also goes with whoever @WendyLuvsCatz is talking about (although I think I know who you're referring to). But that's me

    Post edited by N-RArts on
  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,919

    One would think it would be against their policy for their product makers to be doing things like that on other websites. But one would think a lot of the things going on here would be different from how they are.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,776

    This is why I hate it when musicians and actors get on social media and speak their mind on social and political issues. I have stopped supporting  some and even thrown out their products because of their personal beliefs. I just want them to create music or entertainment only. Of course they have every right to say and feel how they want, but when you rely on the public to make a living, just know that some will disagree with you, maybe even so much they stop supporting you or worse.

    I spend lots of time on social media and can have views that offend some, which is fine since i don't rely on them to make a living and in turn they are free to speak their mind also. If i was a PA here, I would never post on the forums unless it was for a technical issue that DAZ directed to me

  •     Sorry to hear of your experiences, I had a similar reaction to a Daz PA terribly criticizing another artist that was giving away great free stuff on another site. Whenever I see their name in the list of Daz PA's I always think of that demeaning rant and not wanting to support them. To support them or not is an important question, of course, that only you can decide.  And my very human response when I feel attacked is that I have a right to be offended. I have the right but it doesn't serve me well. The universal spiritual suggestion is that the only way to peace is to forgive. And somehow, a true master is never offended, so there's nothing to forgive - I'm certainly not there yet. smiley / peace

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,029
    edited April 2024

    Yeah, I had a PA make a comment on my personal FB page a few years ago that made me not want to buy from them ever again. It's sad when PAs whose artistic talents you admire end up being toxic people. 

    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,174

    NylonGirl said:

    One would think it would be against their policy for their product makers to be doing things like that on other websites.

    Why would it be?

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,910
    edited April 2024
    Unfortunately people are people, and have a tendency to firmly put their feet in their mouths on a regular basis. It's a shame, but it happens. Such actions can be accidental rather than deliberate spite, but the context will give all the clues necessary. I was really disappointed a number of years ago by the actions of a well respected fountain pen repairer: a group of us managed to identify that he was using sock-puppet aliases from the same IP address to turn a few conversations toxic so his own name could look like it calming the situation down and come out smelling of roses. Strangely enough he wasn't best pleased in a violently foul mouthed way when he was called out and the evidence was made public. It did damage his physical business, which in his situation was a good way of making sure he moderated his actions which could only have been deliberately hurtful. Regards, Richard.
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,489

    Fae3D said:

    I love our vendors here on Daz.  They are talented, hard working, amazing people who make my life brighter by creating things that help me make art.  Art is my therapy, which I desperately need because I have chronic pain that NEVER goes away, and I need something to distract me from it.  So ya’ll really don’t know how much I appreciate you all.

    It’s always fun when vendors interact with the customers, here on the forums or on other sites.  I like getting to know you, it’s so nice to feel like a community here.

    But please, please, think about your client base before you post things.  It really hurts when someone you have come to like deeply offends you.  One of my favorite vendors recently posted a picture on another website that mocked my religion.  I was shocked and hurt.  I will NOT name names, they obviously have every right to post whatever they want, and I would NEVER want to hinder that.  Free speech is a crucial thing!  But, at the same time, I have the right to be offended.  I have the right to no longer feel comfortable about that vendor.  And I have the right to, sadly, never feel ok buying anything from them ever again.

    It probably doesn’t matter at all to them that I won’t buy any more of their products, I’m just a drop of water in the bucket of their customers.  But I am so sad about this.  So I just wanted to take a moment to let vendors know that, depending on what you post that mocks other people, you could very well lose customers.  And hurt customers.  If that doesn’t matter to you, that’s absolutely fine.  It’s totally your right.

    But I just wanted to vent a little bit, and hope that maybe someone might see this and ponder a little bit before they post offensive material.

    Fae3D, I understand you very well. It is already absolutely unprofessional behavior to trumpet private attitudes to the world under your vendor name. Apart from the ethical side, it is even more stupid to combine this with insults, discrediting etc. - unless these vendors only want to sell to a certain target group. In that case, however, they have drifted in such an extremist direction that they should no longer have any place in a more or less 'neutral' store.

  • NylonGirl said:

    One would think it would be against their policy for their product makers to be doing things like that on other websites. But one would think a lot of the things going on here would be different from how they are.

    We are encouraged not to (or the forums), but at the end of the day, we are not employees of Daz, and they can only police what they control. We all work for ourselves.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    I had a PA get really nasty with me on FB before and sadly, all I can say is...just don't buy their stuff. It's the same as when actors/musicians put their foots in their mouths on social media. If you can separate them from their product, then go for it. But if you don't want to support them, then don't.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,464

    While it is of course entirely your privilege to take account of someone's posting or conduct when deciding whether to buy from them it isn't really a topic that can be discussed productively on the forum, as all the careful non-finger-pointing shows, so this therad has been closed.

This discussion has been closed.