Star Wars Animation in GIF and Video (Poser & Vue)

Dream CutterDream Cutter Posts: 1,224
edited December 2015 in Art Studio

Rancor Round Up on Dathomir, a Star Wars fan art 3d animation created in Poser using freebie props and injected in Vue environment.  Rendered in one pass, with only the explosion added using AfterFX.
Scouts in Imperial Shuttles are rounding up Rancor herds on Dathomir. Carful young trooper, the Force is Awake and Strong in this herd!. This is a short looping video showing the rendered detail in HD: 

The gif below is only 1MB, created using animprphic pixels (2:1) and limited to 4fps.  To create something like this you have to plan out the animation sequence to loop carefully, and  after rendered choose which frames to include so the action is smooth and timed right,  Facebook permits posting of animated gif's of this size (1mb or less) by pasting a link to the gif into your post. You cannot upload an animated gif to facebook galleries directly.  If you like it, you are welcome to Share this Star Wars Fan Art animated .gif or link to the host.  This Youtube video shows HD version of the action

I can share the Poser motion (pose or bvh) for the Rancors if someone finds them useful for their project.

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