daz 4.9 latest beta
Hi yesterday 4.9 was working great to day all my categories conent are empty .Categories and sub folder are present but no content if i try re categerzing them still no show. studio 4.8 works fine all categories present full with content. I have tried exporting metadata from 4.8 and reinporting in 4.9 but no go any ideas
Post edited by jimlin on
hmm, maybe a search term in search field still?
You tried DB Maintenance?
Is this on the Smart Content tab, or the Content Libraries tab?
I've pretty much given up on for now, because of issues just like this. I've never lost content for all products, just what seems to be arbitrary ones. One day they content will be there, the next day gone. Sometimes reimporting metadata works, sometimes not. I'm back to good old reliable 4.8. I hope all the troubles I had with 4.9 don't currupt my data for 4.8, since they share a database, as I understand it.
Thans for ypur reply its in the content libraries tab under categories .IF I click on my library daz or poser content they all show Its only in the categories i created they dont show
I agree with you i have now uninstalled 4.9 data base is fine in 4.8
HI I have just reinstalled daz 4.9 the latest beta rc 2 but the same problem all my created categories are still showing empty accept the ones which are from smart content .The items from my document /daz 3d/my library/ do not show in categories .any ideas
Yes, submit a help request. I have the same problem. I was told that Daz is working on a script to fix it, and it will be available by writing a help request describiing your problem.
Thanks for your fast response i have followed your suggestion and have submitted a help request