Manga Style Shaders

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how to use manga stily shader? I installed it and can't find it anywhere
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how to use manga stily shader? I installed it and can't find it anywhere
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In Daz Studio load the model(s) you want to apply the shaders to.
From the Tools menu select the Surface selection tool (instead of the usual posing tool, so when done you will want to go to Tools>Universal tool or whatever you normally use to resume posing) then click on a surface area you want to apply the shader to - ctrl-click to add more surfaces to the selection or to remove an already selected surface (you can see which you have selected if you open the Surface pane and look at the column to the left of its Editor tab).
Go to the Content Library pane, click DAZ Studio Formats, then the folder you installed to (My DAZ 3d Library by defualt), then Shaders, Manga Style Shaders. Within the Manga Style Shaders folder there are files for applying the base shader, a folder full of styles (full settings) and a folder of partial presets (which adjust some settings while leaving others alone so you can fine tune the look). Apply the base shader, then use the styles, the partial presets or the sliders in the Surface pane to adjust the look - I'd start off just applying a selection of complete styles and go from there.