Unable to Change Parameter Type
Hey guys!
So I'm working on a custom character morph, and all is going well. It saves fine and functions exactly as it's supposed to, save for one thing: It will only show up in the paramaters tab. A quick snoop of the web revealed that I need to change the "type" of the morph to "modifier/shape" if I want it to show up in the shaping tab. Simple enough! Except that the only option available for "Type" is "None". I've spent the last couple hours trying everything from editing the saved file externally to beseeching the dark spirits for aid via an ouija board. No luck anywhere. Any ideas from the Daz deities that roam these forums?
Attached is an image of the problem.

316 x 412 - 40K
If there are no other options showing up in the editor, then your CMS is not working...to have other options, Content Management must be running.
That said, manually editing the file *should* have added/changed it...but I've found in order for the manual edit to actually show up, a restart is best. (Yeah, supposedly just loading a fresh 'base' model is all that's needed). Also make sure that you are editing the correct file (if you have more than one version, etc...).
Is this an actual morph or just a controller? Do the standard morphs have the full rnage of types available if you look at their settings?
It wasn't that editing the file didn't work, I was simply unable to read the file and therefore could not edit it. It was a mass of gibberish and symbols. Stranger still, some files of the same type (eg. Cailin's .dsf morphs) were perfectly readable, while others (eg. Victoria 7's .dsf morphs) yielded complete gibberish. Gave up on figuring that out after about half an hour.
I just looked into your CMS suggestion, and I think that's the problem. It appears to not exist anywhere on my computer, so either I had a moment of stupid when installing Daz3ds, or my antivirus had a moment of stupid at somepoint when it was doing its stupid things. Unfortunately, it's more likely the prior to be honest. It would also explain why my smart content filter has never worked. Going to try a full reinstall either later tonight or tomorrow and I'll report back with either success or failure!
Thanks again for your help mjc!
That mass of 'gibberish' is that the file is compressed...you can turn off compression when saving it, decompress before editing it (either by using a zip utility or from within Studio) or use a text editor that decompresses on the fly.
Richard - This was a controller. The standard morphs did not have the full range of types, only "none" and whichever type was applied to them, by their respective authors.
mjc - That's good to know! This will definitely come in handy in the future.
Everyone - The problem has been fixed! A full reinstall turned out to not be necessary. I simply uninstalled and reinstalled "PostgreSQL CMS" in Daz Install Manager. My best guess is the problem arose when I transferred to a larger SSHD soon after getting Daz3DS, but I can't be sure.
In any case, thanks again to both of you for your attention and assistance!