Import Renderosity G2-Textures in Daz 4.8 Pro

i know this question get asked a lot but i tried for many hours now and dont know what to do next.
I have downloaded some stuff on Renderosity for the G2 Model. I get a "data", "people" and "runtime" folder. If i copy them in my Library nothing shows up in my Programm.
I successfully did this with some other textures i got from (There was a additional folder "runtime/support" if thats what i am missing)
I dont know what i am missing with the files from renderosity. Is there anything else i need to do to import the files? I tried "Content DB Maintenance" and then "Re-Import Metadata" but only the stuff from appears.
Anything could help. Thank you very much!! Sorry for my bad english.
Edited to remove links
Very unlikely that a rendo product has metadata. You can add it to the catagories or add metadata yourself. There should be instructions on the forum somewhere.
BTW. Direct links to other stores is a nono so don't be upset when they remove the link.
If you installed correctly (merged the Data, People adn Runtime folders with the existing folders) you should find the content in the Content Library pane under DAZ Studio Formats>Folder you isntalled to>People>whatever subfolders are used.
Sorry for the link. I should have known that.
You helped me a lot. I found everything. Thank you very much!