How to make layered background colors in Daz Studio

in New Users
HI. i am familiar with making simple background color in Daz, such as Windows->Panes->Environtment->Backdrop and then select what ever image or just pic the color inside the color selection. However this turns everything inside into one single color. How do you make let say the wall one color and the ground a different color, and make the lights cast the character shadows on the ground. For example
There are few picture at the end showing pictures with double colored backdrop and with character shadows. How can we achieve that in Daz Studio?
Those are likely to be actual models, a curved backdrop/floor plane perhaps.
Thanks. Can I have any links to some backdrop something similar to those? in freebies.
There are several lighting products that come with backdrops that you can then use with other lighting products. You can change the backgrounds to whatever you want on just about any of the backgrounds available in these products. Checkout lighting products by InaneGlory and DestinysGarden. They both have collaborated InaneGlory's Photo Studio - Point and Shoot as well as an earlier photo product. I have their photo bundles and absolutely love them. I think InaneGlory does mostly the lighting and DestinysGarden does the shaders and textures on the backdrops, but not positive about that. That seems to be how their specialties seem to split up. They have excellent lighting products and they come with 3 different backdrops which are completely customizable. Other light sets by ForbiddenWhisper are good, too. I have several of them including the first Warhol set and just purchased the one you linked to.
Boudoir Photo Studio and Lights by Predaton and Diane, also, comes with a backdrop and has a good range of props to go with their lights. There are also a couple of products that have the whole photo studio setup.
If you do a search for backdrops, you'll come across quite a few sets that are customizable. Finally, you can make your own backdrop with a simple plane. Just go to the file menu under Create> New Primitive> Plane and you just tell it what size you want. You can put any shader you want or even put a picture on it for you own backdrop. You have lots of options.
Thank you guys. These really helps :)
Knittingmommy i have purchased all of InaneGlory's photo studio bundle 1 2 3 and iray sets. Yes they are remarkable, the lightings are awesome love the varieties and love the backrounds. Sometimes i feel i need more backrounds lol. i am now looking for a lighter colored backround. i noticed the Chroma light sets from Sveva but already posted in a different discussion in here.
Anyway thank you Knittingmommy for reminding me of InaneGlorys Photo studio bundle i almost forgot about the backgrounds in there :( i havent purchase Boudoir photo bundle since i dont think it supports iray render.
And thank you Cris Palomino for the curved backdrop link sure comes in handy. Now just to figure out how to put pic in there.
Ops forgot thank you Richard Haseltine for the input. Thanks everyone :) Happy New Year!
Rocks N Drops has two curved planes and gorgeous multi colored backdrops. I use it a lot. This one too. (the second one in the series.) We reviewed it several times in my Art Studio product thread because it's so handy!
Mini tut for 3Delight. Background with different colors in Diffuse and Specular. The specular only spotlight will highlight the specular color, the regular spotlight shows the color of the diffuse. The lights have no color on them and are just white. All the color comes from the backdrop colors.
Mini tut for Iray. Photometric spotlight 1 light color is set blue, spotlight 2 is white. Render settings scene only, headlamp off on default camera.
@vidioninja - the colors on the backgrounds in the promos from the Warhol lights is (I'm 99% certain) just the light colors. The background was probably solid white or light grey. The colored shadows are really slick, and the lights look like a lot of fun to play with.
If you are usuing any of the Photo Studio backgrounds, there is usually at least one in each set that has a very light grey texture. Those are put in there to show off colored lights, or so that you can change the background to any color of your choice by selecting the new color in the diffuse (3Delight) or base color (Iray.) Those backgrounds were set up for 3Delight, but they autoconvert and render really well in Iray. I would just suggest to put the bump setting at about half of whatever it is set at if you are renderingin Iray.
@ knittingmommy - yes, you have the division of labor correct. Thanks ever so much for all the support.
Thank you so much DestinysGarden for the mini tutorial. That really clears up some of my confusion. And i think you are right about Warhol background were just light colors. Thank you again. i ll start fiddling with these light colors from now on reusing the photo studio backgrounds.
And thank you Novica for the curved planes. Really is handy need to get those.
You're welcome! Be careful with the curved planes though- remember if you move characters or props backwards, they might start getting into the curved part and you'll have shoe soles/furniture/feet embedded too deep. Check your Y translations often as you move things backward toward the curved plane. I learned the hard way that it's easy to forget there is a curve lol!
@DestinysGarden Thanks for the great mini-tuts up above. Some of that was new information that I hadn't run across yet.
I really enjoy those lights you and InaneGlory put together. They are my goto lightsets for most thing. It is very easy to show support for such a great product. If it wasn't for your lightsets, I would still be fumbling around in the dark trying desparately to figure out lighting. All the backdrops and available textures for your sets are also great selling points for the product. I also have a few other lightsets, but I still almost always end up using yours and maybe adding in a particular light from another set if I can't figure out how to get a specific look with just your set alone. It is great fun to play around with just to see what I can do with it. I've also learned alot just by bringing up a light rig and looking to see where the lights ended up and what all of the settings are and then trying to duplicate that without your set. I'm not always successful, but I'm getting better. Using your lightset is easier, though.
Awesome, thanks for the tip! I ll try and keep that in mind when rendering scenes in the future :)