Does character skins for base G2 come with nipple textures?

in New Users
Newbie question here..
Does character skins for base G2 come with nipple textures?
I've bought quite a lot of products lately that didn't really live up to my expectations. Things that wasn't listed as non-compatible and such.
So I wanted to know whether or not a character, such as this:
Comes with nipple textures?
Or is it without because it uses the base G2 UV map?
Thanks in advance
What UV map is used is irrelevant, there are often 'NoGen' textures that come free with the figure but again has nothing to do with UV mapping. Most realistic texture set will have the nipples and some but not all even the vagina on the torso map. Cartoon character textures are more of a crap shoot.
Thanks :)
So it should be safe to buy the product I linked to?
Probably, the character looks a little stylistic but not cartoonish. I should have pointed out that texture set for non adult characters more likely than not not have any 'anatomical elements'.
Jest, if you can wait a couple of hours I can tell you for sure. I bought that model but don't recall if she did or didn't but I'd be happy to check and drop another note here just in case it's make or break issue for you.
I don't have the character so can't check.
One often (but not this time) useful method for seeing what's included is to check the product index