I place lights but in Render they don't light anything
I've been having an issue with a new environment I REALLY want to use. The problem is it's sooooo dark. You can see the figures but there are so many shadows. I have placed spot and distance lights, practically in the figures face and still nothing. I saw this posted in another question thread and am hoping for just a little nudge for it to make sense.
"if you want to start a new scene or default everything, just go File->new->new scene. its something like that. Remember Daz Studio has 2 render engine. 3Delight and Iray. If you use normal distant light and render it in Iray i think you could end up with a dark scene as iray dont use normal lights. It needs Photometric lights which are for irays. For normal render use distant light, spot light etc...You can remove the lights by right-clicking and simply delete it. It will usually turn the lights off.
Then theres also the issue with camera headlamp lights. Usually u want it turned off. And turn if off before render. Otherwise the render wont look good with the camera headlamp on. To turn off camera headlamp simply select camera, select the paramaters tab and find the Headlamp setting and turn it off."
I am using normal distant light and spot lights. So I guess the head lamp from the camera is all I'm being able to use. What are photometric lights? Where can I find them? Do you have one? Can I borrow it? I'll bring it back I swear!
What environment are you using? Has it a dome? If it has a dome then you will either need to make it transparent or delete it and put the sky jpg for it into the Iray dome under Environment Map.
I will have to check when I have the program open. But if i put a Spot Light IN a characters face, shouldn't that light it? I mean, if i shine a flash light on my husbands face at night, it's dark outside but his face is certainly lit up.
This is the environment: http://www.daz3d.com/snapping-asian-interior-construction-kit It has "example lighting" so i guess that's what the light source is at the moment. But like I said, my attempts to add more don't seem to yield any results. I will attach a render when I get home if the mystery hasn't been solved by then.
Thanks for the help so far!
make sure that in Render Settings pane>Environment you have it set to Dome adn Scene or Scene Only. You may well also need to adjust the Tone Mapping settings in the same pane, raising the Film ISO or lowering the Shutter speed.
I have some photography background, and I've been plagued by dark scenes in Iray, too.
One of the photo tricks I use is bump the film ISO up to 200, reduce the f-stop to 5.6, and reduce the shutter speed to 60. That gives me decent lighting.
To brighten the scene even more, you could further increase the ISO and reduce the f-stop and/or shutter speed. For real-world photography, you generally don't want a shutter speed below 60 b/c of motion blur, nor do you want an ISO above 400 because the film becomes grainy. An f-stop below about 2.8 will result in a fisheye effect. That said, I don't know how realistically Iray handles those settings.
Full Disclosure....I am one of those lame-o's that use Perspective View to frame my render scene.
I'm not doing animation either, just regular stills. In case there was some confusion there.
+1, good advice here.
+1, more good advice here.
It really sounds like you are rendering in Iray, and you have a totally enclosed scene (skydome or fully enclosed structure). Try the advice given by Richard and Fyreheart.
Yes. I am using IRay. I prefer it to 3Delight
Soooo quit using "Perspective View" to render and learn how to use my camera like a big girl?
It isn't a perspective view vs camera thing - though you probably should use a camera for rendering, Perspective View isn't saved with the sceen, nor are changes to it undoable, so it's better for setting up than for final renders.
And the headlamp isn't controlable in Perspective view...at least not like with a camera.
Well okay! I'll see what I can do with all this advice! Thanks everyone.
Also, what was he talking about in regards to needing "photometric lights" for Iray? Just curious.
Back when Iray first came out, in the early betas, there were two separate lights...the 'original' Studio lights that worked with 3Delight and the Iray photmetric lights. Some time later, not quite sure, exactly when, the lights were rewritten and made context sensetive so that the proper lights were chosen depending on which renderer was active. There is no need to worry about that now, as the lights will flip type when you flip render engines.
Looks like that was it! Thanks for the help! I did a tiny test render and it looks better already! Thanks for all the tips!! Could I ask one more? Thanks!
When it comes to making a light brighter, is the correct setting INTENSITY? I hope I'm getting that right or am close.
For Iray it's better to use the Luminous Flux setting (if you have Photometric On).