Iray help - question about ambiance (or lack there of) - SOLVED

Okay, so I'm pretty new to working with Iray, I do all my work on a laptop and it doesn't handle it all that great, but I am trying to at least learn some things. I've been working on a new image setup that uses a mask in the ambiance channel to show marks on the skin. I love the look but when I thought to try to do the render in Iray I noticed that the marks suddenly don't show anymore. Is there any way to recreate this with the different settings that Iray has as compared to 3Delight?
If I can solve that, then I'll just have to work on getting the eyes to look right. heh

1400 x 880 - 1M
Post edited by Chelle the Cat on
There is no "ambience" channel in an Iray shader. You're using a 3Delight shader, and while it's being automatically "converted," there's no telling what's happening in the conversion, and how it's affecting the material.
For Iray you should manually apply Iray shaders to all the surfaces. This is an inexact science and you will need to experiment with the shaders and the channel settings, depending on the look you want. You know you're working with an Iray shader if there's a channel near the top that sayds Material ID.
In the Iray render every single surface is a manually applied Iray shader, which is what caused the ambience created mark on the cheek to disappear. What I'm trying to find out is if there's a way to recreate that effect while using Iray since there isn't an amiance channel in Iray.
You can use emissive instead of the faked ambience that 3dl uses.
I'm not sure on the material set up or the texture/JPEG files that the 3Delight version you have there is using but like Khory said you can use the emissive channel for that ambient - the following I did for someone on the New User contest January, the principal is pretty much the same but for the cheek (or surface area) that the marks should be on:-
It's VAMP's Syndori skin applied to G2F using one of the rune masks which applies to the ambiance channel for 3delight.
I can try emission for the effect, but won't that cause the marks to cast light?
It will cast light, but you can carefully adjust the luminosity value to control the level. A low-ish value might provide the highlights you are looking for, without casting any noticeable light onto the figure or into the scene.
Seconding what the others said. Making something emissive at a low value will make it glow without casting a noticable amount of light in the scene. Start around 5000-10000 lumens and adjust until you get the effect you want.
Okay, I think I might possibly have done something wrong with this...
When I tried to do the mask in the emission channel I get the attached result
First OFF don't use the Emissive Preset just use what you have and turn on Emissive yourself by changing Emission from Black to White and place the Black and White mask should go in to the Luminance channel The Emissive preset will turn off diffuse etc hence why it is rendering black
Oops I remembered to say that in my post with the picture in the new user contest forum and forget to reiterate here!!
Thank you! That did the trick, after a little putzing around with the emission and luminance values I got the look I was trying for.
Now to work on the settings for the eyes to see if I can get those right. hehe
Just for the green to pop a little more, I actually added the color to the emission channel and put it on a low setting and that seems to be doing the trick.
My poor laptop is going to up and surrender at me making it do all this lol
So I am starting to discover
And thanks to everyone that helped me, it is greatly appreciated.