Computer Upgrade/Graphics Card Question
To all you Computer Geniuses,
Due to PAAAAAIIIINFULLY long render times, I am going to upgrade from my bargain price laptop to a decent Desktop model soon so I am shopping. What I am aiming for is an i7Core Processor, 16GB of RAM and I understand that the Graphics Card also figures into render time and quality(makes sense) but I don't know much about those. The computer I'm looking at has a Intel HD Graphics 530. I know that 530 is better than 430 and a lot better than 330. But I think that means I don't know anything. I know this place isn't for tech support like this, it's just the only place I know you can ask something and someone answers. And since I'm getting it FOR Daz use, it sorta counts right? I hope someone wouldn't mind answering.
Thanks so much.
If you are using Iray (or want to use Iray) then you need to get a PC with Nvidea Graphics card without that your renders will still be slow as they will still be done by your CPU
There are lots of threads about various set ups with some good advice, here is one of them
From the sounds of "Intel HD Graphics" these are generally integrated graphic solutions (so built into the motherboard) - you probably want to avoid integrated graphics as this will generally use some of your 16GB for it's own devices rather than leaving your system with the full 16GB - as Tottallou pointed out, if you are using iRay then you want to be looking at a 4GB nVidia graphics card, there are several discussions a good one which is linked for you above :)
Thank you both so much! I really appreciate it!