Network Render vs. Bend and Twist.....and some texture maps

Has anyone else discovered (like me, the hard way), that using the bend and twist modifier kills network render capability?

Not sure on other modifiers.

Additionally, I am finding that in some cases, independent of modifiers, some of my texture maps are "fracturing" in network renders. 



  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    What are you using for the node machines and the host machine? Are the specs and OS similar or the same? Is it a mixed platform network, such as Macs and PCs on the same network?
  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194
    edited January 2016

    Both machines are Win7 64. One machine is a Xeon, the other an i7. The Xeon is the host. 

    The bend and twist issue has been a consistent issue regardless of files, I believe. 

    The fractured texture issue has not been consistent to the extent that some files render perfectly through the network. 



    Post edited by protovu on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    Could you post an example of the "fractured" textures? Are they image map based or procedural? I've had issues with certain procedural textures before, such as squares and some noise functions.

    I've also had issues with how the gamma was handled by different machines when using GI or SSS.

    I ran a home network with different vintages of Macs and OS X. The older PPC Macs were in sync with each other for the gamma/GI/SSS issue, but the Intel iMac clearly handled the gamma differently. I know at some point apple went from handing gamma at 1.8 to 2.2, but I had assumed it was a change in the OS and not a hardware thing because my OS X versions on the PPC were supposedly written after the switch to gamma 2.2 and were Universal, meaning they were compatible with PPC Macs and Intel Macs when the product line was still switching over.

    The issue with the randomness of certain procedural functions still perplexes me, because it is not consistent between scenes when using the same functions, save one, and that is squares.

  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194

    Hi Evil,

    Here is an example of what I should probably refer to as artifacts, rather than fracturing.

    By the way, have you experienced the bend and twist issue with network rendering?

    789 x 385 - 153K
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050

    Haven't tried that, but if you want the text primitive to work, then make sure to convert it to a vertex object first!

    Are the image maps using mip map for the filtering? If so, try changing it to sampling and see what happens.

  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194

    Good idea. Nest go I will try that.

    Just now trying to find a link to a later Octane beta so I can try out lights via Carrara.

    If the link is handy, could you place in a response. Having a heck of a time digging around in Otoy.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    HI Protovu

    You need to be logged in to the Otoy site to get to the "Octane Licensed Customer Forums" / Plugin Discussion/Support / Carrara Plugin section of the forums and download the latest plugin version.

  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194

    Hi 3Dage,

    You know, oddly, I have been logged in, but for some reason have been booted about to prove I am registered....then told I am already registered when trying to get onward.

    I will give it another go. 

  • protovuprotovu Posts: 194

    Hi 3Dage, That worked!

    Gave me a scare for a moment. Did not realize a re-launch was needed to view render target and environment settings. 

    Thank you for showing me how to get there. I would not have found it.



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