Making Graphic Novel(s): a question about publishing and Daz products

hello Everyone, Sam here

I have a question in regards to creating Graphic novels (and in the future, posters, cards, concept design).

Daz Studio, Bryce 7 Manga Studios, Blender, Photoshop Illustrator, Photoshop, and Paint tool Sai. I do traditional art sketches first on character concepts and eventually do some digital work as well. In question regarding Daz Studio, I'm thinking of using assets for some of the characters, but what I'm concen as if I want to do a digital and book publishing, what are rules or terms in regards of using products in Daz.

I apologize if this sounds like beating a dead horse, I'm looking through other works and wasn't totally clear with publishing.


  • KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012

    For 2D animation, artwork, renders etc you are fine with commercial use - it's only games or anything that directly requires the use of the full 3D mesh characters/sets that require a purchase of a separate licence (which would be required IF available from each vendor you intended to use products from)

  • I see. Thanks KA1! :)

  • KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012

    I see. Thanks KA1! :)

    No problem, it was something I read up on extensively before getting right into Daz Studio as I was looking for I could create images for Graphic Novels, Motion comics, Visual novels and Canvases (as well as just some good old fashioned artwork!!)

  • Hi Sam and KAi

    Whenever you buy or recieve free characters etc. for your DAZ, you should usually recieve a readme: these let you know how to use the bits and pieces for yourself and for any publication etc. that you may develope. I always read these thoroughly as I write novels and childrens books that use pics created with daz studio compatible characters etc. When I publish I always include a page thanking the various artists that I have purchased or recieved free items from and include the site address.  They appreciate the mention and the possible follow up.  Doug

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    Good points so far, but do keep in mind that free or paid, some characters, sets, or props may come with assets that the vendor does not have full rights to exploit, regardless of the licence terms. For example, you could be treading on questionable ice by using a model of a famous motorcycle when the brand name of that motorcycle is in clear view. Tattoos and clothing (e.g. t-shirt) decoration are another area of potential concern. If your character has tattoos or distinctive artwork on clothing, best to either ask the vendor where the art came from, or replace with your own, where you know the design is original.


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