Dressing Michael 4 and animate 2

Hi all

I keeping greating great advice here so keep coming back. I getting the hand of bits and bobs now but the 2 main issues I still have are these (any help gratefullly received)

1) Clothing. I am using Micahael 4 as I bought the pro anatomy bundle for by physio business. I am creating animations for this and hence the learning! I am having great difficulty getting the clothers to either appear on him or fit him. I have the M4 basic wear for exmple but I can't get any of the items except the trainers to fit. They are in both POSER and DAZ menus and I am getting very confused as to what does what as it seems sporadic (although prob just me).

So I have  naked Michael (changed to my version via the morphs - now Ralph) - summary of how to dress him from basic wear with pair of trainers, shorts and the hexagoally fonrted t shirt.


2) I have puchased animate 2 as I was under the impression I could then make Michael walk via an aniblock, but then also add in a smiling aniblock so I could change his expressions all at the same time. I think I mis interprestted this. If so, can anyone give me a link to explain what animate 2 does extra and how to use it as I am struggling to see what I have paid for? I have purchased pretty much all the tutorials but thus far it is not mentioned.

Many thanks




  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Michael 4 and Victoria 4 (and their 4th generation kin) are in Poser formats.  You need to look under Poser Formats in the Content Library pane.  Anything that is rigged, and that is most clothing, will by found in the Figures section.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    The AniMate2 allows one to have "subtracks" so yes you can add one of those to use for applying an aniblock to make M4 smile.

    Also with AniMate2 you can create more aniblocks.

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