new user Travis McGee

in New Users
Helo every one I'm Travis i'm a new user of the program DAZ 3D and i am stil figuring it all out. i was wondering if any one could make a 3d model of som armor in Maya or Blender. this armor was designed using the in browser program called hero forge. i would like to use this armor set in a comic that i want to put togeather. I would also like to make the armor into a costume using Pepakura unfold. not sure if i will be able to but let me try posting reference art for the armor

HeroForgeScreenshot (1).png
1366 x 643 - 190K

HeroForgeScreenshot (2).png
1366 x 568 - 184K

HeroForgeScreenshot (3).png
1366 x 568 - 157K

HeroForgeScreenshot (4).png
1366 x 568 - 157K
And do remember that the New Users Help FOrum is for New Users who need help getting to grips with new software. This means that if you are indeed looking for someone who uses Advanced and/or high end programs it may be better to ask in aother forum.
thank you for the advice and well i should have said something else for the subject but thank you any ways
your right sorry.