How to add light lamps in a night scene/light up a night scene

videoninja719videoninja719 Posts: 343
edited January 2016 in New Users

Hi. I want to add lights to a night scene, for example road lamp lights or fluorescent light tube on wall of a building etc....and with the capability of emitting light as well. whats the easiest way to do it? i ll be rendering in iray. Also what are the regular ways people use to light up a night scene in iray would help. Thank you.


Post edited by videoninja719 on


  • sorry forgot to mention, it is for outdoor night scene in iray


  • You have two choices - for many shapes of light you can use a point light and in its geometry settings give it the size and shape of the light source, or you can use a model of the light source and apply the Emissive sahder preset to its surfaces.

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,128

    You might look around for IES profiles for street lamps.  Typically, the specs for the street lamp will also give you settings for color temperature and flux in lumens.


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