How do you save a Spot Render?

If my memory serves me right, it used to be when making a spot render DS would open a new rendering window from which you could save the spot render once it was done. Now however when I make a spot render it just renders it in the view-port with no option to save it to my Render Library. I am sure I am missing something, but how do I save my Spot Renders?


  • ForbiddenWhispersForbiddenWhispers Posts: 1,434

    You need to go into the tool settings tab and find 'spot render' and click 'new window'.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,681

    I don't know of a way to save the spot render from within DS. When I have done it, I have done this in Windows 10/11:

    1. Press <Windows Key> + <Shift Key> + <'S' Key>
    2. The screen goes darker and largely unresponsive to allow you to drag a rectangle over an area of screen.
    3. Once you release the LMB, that is copied to clipboard
    4. In a graphics package, paste the image in clipboard as a new image
    5. Save image



  • BlueFingersBlueFingers Posts: 904

    Thanks Richard, but I think I found it so I'll share it.

    Select Spot Render as a tool, then go to Tool Settings and select Render to New Window. It'll render the spot render in a new window and you can save it directly from DS.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,681


    It's another of those things that could usefully go in a manual.



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