Ice cream/refreshments seller asset suggestions

PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 885
edited July 8 in The Commons

Hi Guys

I remember going to the cinema as a young lad (sigh) and a film would have an interval during which ladies would appear carrying a tray with icecreams and drinks on for sale, this would be attached with a strap around thier necks.

Any suggestions for props and uniform ideally vintage style. (popcorn is acceptable LOL)

I have random ideas :)



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  • felisfelis Posts: 4,239

    For unifom, maybe look at Tentman.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,751

    Snacks being served down the isles must be before my time.  That must have be a claasic "intermission" experience.

    But getting popcorn,   that's the more traditional movie experience.


    Sorry can't help with the serving tray prop. I think there was one in the store but I couldn't find it with a quick search now.



  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,641

    No serving tray, but this uniform might work:

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 790

    I can think of a few trays, but none with straps.

    Would a rolling cart be an acceptable substitute? (Definitely kinder to the poor server's neck...)

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 790

    For ice creams: (Also available in this prop pack: (Has a prop to hold up cones as well) (Also has prop to hold up cones, and cookie ice cream sandwiches)


    how were the drinks served? Bottles? Cups? This sounds like it predates cans...


  • ainm.sloinneadhainm.sloinneadh Posts: 397

    SilverGirl said:

    how were the drinks served? Bottles? Cups? This sounds like it predates cans...

    At least here, pyramid cartorns of orange juice that you pierced with a straw. Also tubs of ice cream with a wooden spoon and cigarettes. Heavy wooden trays, particularly when full, and plenty of mental arithmetic required until you memorised all the combinations.

    Mostly women who did the job, which also included showing people to their seats and ensuring good behaviour from the attendees. General usher work, so they were called usherettes.

    I was at a cinema recently where they did a modern version, wheeling in a cart with a recessed popcorn urn and cola dispenser, stacks of paper cartons and cups, and every bag of Haribo under the sun. More people were queued down the stairs than with buns on seats!

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,562

    We still had people who did that in movie theaters when I was a child (in the 80s/early 90s in France), they sold food (mostly candies and chocolate bars) and drinks (bottles or cans) during the advertisements aired before the start of the movie, and helped you find a seat if needed. I don't really remember them wearing an uniform though.

    Rolling cart would not be practical in movie theaters due to the stairs, the basket worked better.

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  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 790

    Leana said:

    We still had people who did that in movie theaters when I was a child (in the 80s/early 90s in France), they sold food (mostly candies and chocolate bars) and drinks (bottles or cans) during the advertisements aired before the start of the movie, and helped you find a seat if needed. I don't really remember them wearing an uniform though.

    Rolling cart would not be practical in movie theaters due to the stairs, the basket worked better.

    Oh interesting. If we had things like that in the states, they were gone from cinemas by the early 80's, at least where I am. And I hadn't thought about the stairs. (Heh, haven't been in a cinema since 2019. Apparently details like that haven't stuck.) 

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,140

    I don't know about the rest of the US (I'm from a small town in Indiana) but the theaters I'm aware of all had concession stands in the lobby with assorted candies, popcorn (with real hot melted butter) and soft drinks and for the local theaters these dated from the late 1940s.

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 790

    namffuak said:

    I don't know about the rest of the US (I'm from a small town in Indiana) but the theaters I'm aware of all had concession stands in the lobby with assorted candies, popcorn (with real hot melted butter) and soft drinks and for the local theaters these dated from the late 1940s.

    Yeah, that was the way it was around here, too (Minnesota, suburban Twin Cities). The ones around here seem to have expanded to also include nachos, hot dogs, pizza, hot pretzels, etc. now. But for some stupid reason, not coffee.

  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 885

    Some good suggestions guy thanks

    I have a memory of going to see a film in the very very early 1970s in Birmingham England and it was just me my siblings were not born yet and I remember two small spotlights coming on either side of the screen in the auditoium two ladies with trays round thier necks and holding torches/flashlights sold icecream in tubs and an organge drink with a straw that was the choice... I always remember it because there was something very sureal and Wes Anderson about it.


  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,064
    edited July 9

    The folks selling treats at the cinemas were one of my son's and mine favorite things about attending movies in London between 1986 and 1990 when we were stationed there. I first ran into them in the early 1970's when I visited London from Germany and took in a movie. I also enjoyed the wonderful seating that acknowledged humans have legs and needed to stretch out.

    I 'think' I remember carts for the lower area and trays for the stairs? It has been a long time. Somethings I think might help. and - both have very nice trays in them, but of different styles with handles. - small packaged crisps and drinks. - small yogurt cups. - small fruit and milk containers with straws. - also has a milk container. - box of chocolates, a bit large but I could almost see it. - plastic cups/lids/straws and aluminin cans - yogurt drinks - money changing hands. I can't locate a charge/debit card, nor one of those little machines that you strip it down or tap. - water bottles with and without caps, and an ice cream cone.

    I looked for cigarettes, but for the life of me can't find a product right now with packaged ciggies, but I know there is one, and matches. Maybe a spy prop? I know smoking in theatres were okay at the time I was over there, but not sure now.

    I hope this helps fill out your tray/cart?




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  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,064

    Had a chance to open D|S and found some more: and - Has card swiper and expansive snack collection bagged - Tootsie Roll Pop - Wrapped & unwrapped and partially eaten mini chocolate. - box of chocolate cookies - e-cigarettes, flashlight, and other neat stuff - cigarettes - cigarettes and lighter that turn into weapons, just in case. - big container of popcorn and bottle of coke(?). But find a way to add a cinnamon-sugar sprinkle to the popcorn, I became addicted to it in England.

    I seem to remember 1940s/50's movies where a cart had coffee and tea pots/urns, where you could get a cup of beverage made for you with sugar cubes and a milk jug. Not sure if I saw one in London in the early 1970s.

    Unfortunately, most of the candy I have is loose, unwrapped and not useful in this situation. We could use a variation of wrapped candies with made up names, in various wrappers, shapes... for this type of scene. Most that would fit are shelving and a mass display, not one off props. Would be good for Halloween scenes too.

  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 885

    Wow thank you Mary it would be nice to find a tray with the neckstrap that is the holy grail right now for this scene :)

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,239
    edited July 10

    Would something like this be of interest?

    The tray is a quick model. The strap needs to be UV wrapped and rigged.

    I am in doubt of the best bone to parent the tray to. No matter which, it needs adjustment to fit the pose.

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  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,586

    Oh wow Felis, that looks good, I certainly wouldn't mind using it once done.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,751

    felis said:


    I am in doubt of the best bone to parent the tray to. No matter which, it needs adjustment to fit the pose.


     I would suggest the Chest Upper bone to parent the strap prop,  and then second prop for the tray, parented to the strap. That way they can be moved separately as needed.  

  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 885

    Oh wow @felis awesome :)

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,064

    @felis, that is a great item. It could be useful in a outdoor party scene where someone is moving around with treats, say a child's party; or smokes in a dance hall/USO scene with cigarettes, matches, gum, ... or a store with samples. 

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,239
    edited July 11

    I took FirstBastions suggestion and parented the top part of the strap to the Upper chest bone.

    Although I didn't make the tray its own prop, but is has its own bone, so it can be moved as wanted. There are 2 bones in the strap. I felt that that should be sufficient.

    It comes with simple textures and in one color (blue), but you can apply own shaders or just change color.

    It is saved as a (rigged) prop, and a wearable preset for G8F.

    Let me know if there is issues or questions.


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  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,076
    edited July 17

    The snacks salesmen wear a similar tray at ballgames selling peanuts, pop, beer, popcorn, and so on.

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  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 885

    @Felis your a star I will try this tonight and let you know how I get on :)

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 790
    edited July 16

    nonesuch00 said:

    The snacks salesmen wear a similar tray at ballgamesselling peanuts, pop, beer, popcorn, and so on.

    There was a peasant fellow at our local Renaissance faire (maybe in the 90's?) who used to wander the seating before the joust offering "popcorn! peanuts! belly button lint!" -- I think his tray was something he'd picked up at Goodwill and drilled a couple holes in and attached some twine. Anyone who said they wanted some, he threw a handful of it at them. (I suspect the belly button lint came from the trap on his dryer, but I never asked.)

    Post edited by SilverGirl on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,076

    SilverGirl said:

    nonesuch00 said:

    The snacks salesmen wear a similar tray at ballgamesselling peanuts, pop, beer, popcorn, and so on.

    There was a peasant fellow at our local Renaissance faire (maybe in the 90's?) who used to wander the seating before the joust offering "popcorn! peanuts! belly button lint!" -- I think his tray was something he'd picked up at Goodwill and drilled a couple holes in and attached some twine. Anyone who said they wanted some, he threw a handful of it at them. (I suspect the belly button lint came from the trap on his dryer, but I never asked.)

    Cool. These guys at the ball park always had trays specially designed for the product they were hawking and were employees of businesses that won contracts to sell such items in the park as it is very lucractive money for the vendor business.

  • PitmaticPitmatic Posts: 885
    edited August 17

    Finally got round to doing this (I have a list of things I want to do and I try not to skip the list LOL) anyway I also had a go at making a serving tray using primitive cubes flattened to make the panels and a plane trimed down by   the geometry editor to make the strap this was looped around my figure using the dforce magnet utility (there was a lot of swearing) but it worked eventually.

    I really need to rescale the cans i think

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  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,064

    @Pitmatic, that is really nice. If you have another girl, consider having her with a high ponytail, so the strap around the back of the neck doesn't pull on her hair and yank it. 

  • CASINCCASINC Posts: 76
    I know I have some cloth and scarf props that are fully rigged. I would just shape them around the character and apply dforce. Weight map the ends so they don't move and stay attached to whatever tray is being used. But that pic came out looking pretty dang good.
  • felisfelis Posts: 4,239


    I think I would shrink the cans a bit.


  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,586

    Thank you for your version Felis, have it labelled and grabbed the pic so I know what's in the file.

    Nice job both of you.

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