DAZ soon and life here in Dazland



  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,937
    edited July 11

    ArtAngel said:

    Wonderland said:

    I think it would be a great idea to have a Daz staff member pop in once in a while or even have their social media person keep an open thread.  Customers get increasingly annoyed and I know I personally would want to know that Daz actually cared about us. 

    Agree.yes. Transparency is good, and I would bet my last dollar that DAz cares about it's buyers more than you think. I think DAZ participating here would be a waste of an employees time because all of us have different perspectives and you cannot cater to most of the people all of the time and frankly they have a ton of cheese on their plates already. No room for whine. Frankly, there is no pleasing us as a group. I think that's why we have moderators. Important stuff from the masses does get heard vis them. Our individual thoughts are not even on the back burner and never will find an audience here because sometimes we fail to see the big picture as we focus on this or that detail. It's hard to see the forest when we focus on trees.

    Yes, we pass on a great many things you guys are saying, complaining about, want, needs, etc in our meetings as well as our own thoughts. Daz always asks us how the state of things are and wants to know what's going on. They usually use us as their communication tool with the customers, but if you're wanting contact with actual Daz employees in office then you will need to submit a ticket and they forward them through the company to whoever it needs to get to.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,064

    I have used the ticket system with great/good/poor/zero results. It might have been the timing, as DAZ may have been overwhelmed at that time. I try my best to provide the details I have learned they need to look into my issues, attaching documents, and trying to be detailed. But at times, my lack of knowledge of computer programming, how DAZ 3D should work, or the correct terms I need to use often can make them helping me more difficult. I also feel this when I read the Technical Help forums. I just get loss in techno babble. After no answer to a ticket to Tech Support, I posed the question on the Tech forum, and never had a response. So the problem continues. But I keep scanning the forums hoping someone else will ask about this and get an answer.

    But during my civilian career, at times I answered an 800 number for our products. The stress I experienced, not knowing if I was going to be attacked, threatened, or have a calm, mature, interaction with whomever was on the other side, built up. (We even had a patient showup with weapons, who had driven across the country to take out some of our employees. Went into lockdown for hours.) Now I am phobic about phone calls. Before this I had no issue with calls.

    I pay attention to the PAs who take their precious time to join in on a conversation or have a Commercial thread about a product and follow-up on issues related on the forums. They are on my list of must-buys. But we have to remember many of our international PAs are not fluent in English and may hesitate to engage in a forum conversation. 

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,895

    AllenArt said:

    I very seldom have a need to speak to a PA about their product or anything else. The only thing that annoys me about Daz and the forums is when DAZ announces something, everyone is excited, and then you never really hear another word about it. For YEARS sometimes. LOL.

    Whenever I have an issue with anything, it's usually another forum member that helps me with it. barbult comes to mind. She's always such a nice person and so helpful and knowledgeable :).

    I concur. You've been another helpful forum member for me. 

  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,229

    I have tech support tickets that have been sitting there for years. Eventually they just get closed without being resolved. I feel like they need to just come out and say they're not going to fix certain things, rather than quietly closing tickets.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,937
    edited July 11

    memcneil70 butterflyfish

    Daz just recently has made some changes in tech support to attempt to get throungh the backlog.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,895

    butterflyfish said:

    I have tech support tickets that have been sitting there for years. Eventually they just get closed without being resolved. I feel like they need to just come out and say they're not going to fix certain things, rather than quietly closing tickets.

    They ARE saying it. And I've listened: If it doesn't work, it's returned. Voila! 

  • rcourtri_789f4b1c6brcourtri_789f4b1c6b Posts: 255
    edited July 11

    It seems the thread has conflated what really should be two separate concerns:

    1) Responses from tech support or sales support.  I've no real complaints.  We'd all love it if our issues were resolved perfectly and instantaneously, but that's not a realistic hope.

    2) As customers, because Daz/Tafi is so uncommunicative, we can only speculate about Daz's current actions and its future plans.  Some of that speculation will be crazy, but some of it will be well reasoned, drawing logical conclusions based upon past actions from Daz, what we've seen in the past for sale in the Daz store, what we've seen at competing sites, what's being done with non-Daz Studio applications (Blender, etc.), what we see (and don't see) from Daz Studio updates and new content in the store.

    Daz personnel constantly in the forum, engaging in back-and-forths with us on a daily basis?  Ridiculous. Not a good use of their time.  But that doesn't mean that Daz should not be communicating with us on a number of matters. What are the main areas of Daz technology that are being developed? Clothing fit that doesn't require a time consuming, somewhat unreliable simulation phase? More realistic hair that isn't excessively demanding on user's hardware? Animation capabilities? Or are we essentially near an end point?  If Daz can't tell us what they're working towards, why shouldn't we believe they are primarily trying to maintain compatibilty with operating system and hardware changes, so we should never expect major improvements in what we can do with Daz Studio and Daz content?  

    Somewhere, someone should be saying that this will have a negative effect on sales.  To that, I would respond by asking if they think being uncommunicative instills confidence and encourages sales.

    (And, the "I have a job, so I can't take time to communicate with customers" line is just feeble. I've never worked in PR, investor relations, or sales, but I've had to write something up about the current state of affairs and plans for the future (both for specific projects and for the entire company) on multiple occasions.  It's an afternoon or evening of work, once a quarter at most.  Twenty hours per year at most. "We can't" and "We don't want to" don't mean the same thing.)




    Post edited by rcourtri_789f4b1c6b on
  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,886

    I miss the old Mantis support system DAZ used to use.

    You could see every ticket made, and read and comment on them, I could spend a good few hours each day in there helping CS out, and I wasn't the only one as Richard was in there a lot as were a few others.

    As users we could tell when a ticket was "user error" and when it was an actual issue and help CS point the tickets to the right departments.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,895

    Bejaymac said:

    I miss the old Mantis support system DAZ used to use.

    You could see every ticket made, and read and comment on them, I could spend a good few hours each day in there helping CS out, and I wasn't the only one as Richard was in there a lot as were a few others.

    As users we could tell when a ticket was "user error" and when it was an actual issue and help CS point the tickets to the right departments.

    Sounds like this forum, which is still the best bet for rectifying a product issue. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 100,099

    xyer0 said:

    Bejaymac said:

    I miss the old Mantis support system DAZ used to use.

    You could see every ticket made, and read and comment on them, I could spend a good few hours each day in there helping CS out, and I wasn't the only one as Richard was in there a lot as were a few others.

    As users we could tell when a ticket was "user error" and when it was an actual issue and help CS point the tickets to the right departments.

    Sounds like this forum, which is still the best bet for rectifying a product issue. 

    The trouble is that, like the forum, it had a lot of reposts, user errors, off topic comments/issues (sales, cotnent etc.) and so on - for the people working on DS there was an awful lot of (for their purpose at least) chaff to work through. Now customer suport acts as a buffer, as they do for PAs, so that issues get passed on to the DS dev team only when relevant and new (or adding new info, at least).

  • I submitted a sales ticket and had it resolved within 2 days. Almost every ticket I have ever submitted has been sales related and has been handled. In other cases I just uninstalled the buggy content and called it a loss. The thing is, when you fill out a ticket, there are multiple "departments" who you select to contact. I think just saying "my ticket was handled promptly" or "my ticket has been ignored" could depend on what your actual issue is. Software or product issues, I would imagine, may not be solveable but when contacting sales about "Hey, this happened when this was actually supposed to happen instead" is a lot more clear cut and easy to see and solve.  Just my two cents.

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