Having Morph Issues
I was trying to make some morphs for Akio 3 and I noticed when I made a Morph for the face it also affects the body. I didn't touch anything but the nose. I tried it several times with different pasrts of the face and it's the same. Can anyone tell me what to do? I'll attach some pics so you can see the nose and then the body before and after the nose morph is applied to the figure. It's minor but there is more of a bend in the legs and the arms go down slightly. Just enough to cause problems with clothing.

ScreenHunter_1641 Jan. 14 17.00.jpg
484 x 550 - 42K

ScreenHunter_1646 Jan. 14 17.11.jpg
348 x 501 - 30K

ScreenHunter_1647 Jan. 14 17.11.jpg
364 x 506 - 32K
You exported the figure as loaded, which has a pose applied (the legs aren't like that in the base geometry, they were bent to help the Poser IK engine on older Daz figures). As a result your morph includes the pose. Fortunately there is a fix - in Morph Loader Pro after selecting the OBJ file expand the options under the morph name in the dialogue and turn on Reverse Deformations - that will strip out the effect of the pose leaving just your morph. In future work on a copy of the base OBJ - in \Runtime\Geometries\DAZPeople - for the legacy figures.
Thank you! I'm so glad it was a simple fix. Thanks again!!
I am do not consider myself a new user since I have been using daz since 2003 but now when I had to put daz 4 on my computer due to computer wipe out, my daz 3 morphs no longer work with my Michael 2.0, 3.0 and Vicky 3.0. I was really happy with these models and spent a lot of hard earned money into clothing and props and cannot get even a smile out the two of them now! Daz phone support sucks! They have no clue how to assist clients with issues of this sort. Therefore, I am turning to you. Is there any way to get the ethnic facial, body 1 thru 6 muscular and speaking morphs for the older models to work in this version? I really hate the genesis creature!
plain old disgusted!
Go to Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager. In BOTH "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats", make sure the path is liste to the folder CONTAINING the Runtime folder -- not 2 levels above it, and not inside it. If you are using Windows Vista/7/8/10 the content must NOT be in the "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)" hierarchies.
so if the content was placed in the PROGRAM FILE should I put it under MY LIBRARY and the guide the DS4 to its location as you mention? Grateful?
Yes, just make sure that "Runtime" is directly under "My Library", i.e. "My Library\Runtime", not "My Library\Content\Runtime".
I really appreciate your assistance but even with this direction, the morphs don't work...
continued... the dails appear but they don't change the model. not even a smile!!!
Which figure? Did you inject the morphs first?