Camera Tracking Quesion

I know that Carrara can import two types of Camera tracking and at one brings in 3d trackers as well.

Realviz XML data (RZML file format).
SynthEyes data (.syncar file format)

It seems the .syncar format would be better to go with.

I have Mocha Pro and Hitfilm (which has Mocha special version) and Mocha Pro exports FBX 3d camera data and nulls.  So I am trying to dig up information on both the format of the .syncar file and the FBX once I find the syncar and I might be able to do a converter of the data sets.

Does anyons Google Fu run better then mine in a breakdown of the .syncar format, worse case the Realviz one.



  • The owner/programmer for syntheyes is very accessible and has helped me out several times. I'd write him directly with any questions. 

  • MiloMilo Posts: 511

    Thats an idea to try, though I don't know how much they would want a path from Mocha Pro instead of their product to carrara.  Its good to know about that product and the people behind it!  Thank you for the response.


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