Merge does not happen
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Merge does not happen
Posts: 8
Hi, I try to put two models together. Therfore I go to >file >merge and chose the second .duf document.
And then nothing happens.
I am using DAZStudio 4.22 on Apple iMac M1 with Sonoma 14.6.1
What are you trying to merge? I, typically, will merge in the lighting from one scene to another or merge two characters into a scene. It is not meant to merge two mesh together. You will need a modelling program for that.
I try to put two figures from two different scenes together. I created one character in one scene and another character in another.
That should work. Can you open each scenes individually?
Instead of saving a character in a scene file, I would recommend saving them as scene subset.
Well, unfortunately I can not safe, export or load anything into Studio. There is something fundamentally wrong …
I can open scenes individually but can not safe with a new name or export.
Write permissions? Can you save to the same location from other applications? How about saving to a different location (ideally a different drive)?
I think it has to do with DAZ Studio. I have no issue on my Apple Mac to safe from other applications to anywhere.
From within DAZ Studio I have the safe dialog, very short, but the file is not safed. I can safe an existing scene just with the normal safe command.
So you are using File>Save As>Scene? Or File>Save, which will do the same with an unamed scene or a scene where the Author doesn't match the current Ayuthor name in Edit>Preferences.
»open recent« is working
»safe …« is working
»safe as > Scene …« is not working
»safe as > Pose present etc …« are not working
Have you checked the end of the log file (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File) after trying to save?
I checked the end of the log file. My first attempt to »safe as scene« … gave this:
2024-09-14 14:55:22.814 [INFO] :: Failed to save a file. See the log for more details.
A second attempt gave me this:
2024-09-14 15:01:56.781 [INFO] :: Saved image: /Users/caw/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library.tip.png
Not the name I gave and not the location I have chosen …
Edit: with regular saving the app collapses and ends immediately
What is the intended path to which you are trying to save?
Now I am running DAZ Studio 4.23.Premier
No matter what I try, saving frim an exitsing scene to any location, it tells me, »The targetfile already exists. Would you like to replace it?«
With Show details: /users/…/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio.duf
It does not matter if I click »Yes« or »No« – it does not safe anything.
It works fine with a new document and saving the existing document via cmd-s …
… hm …
You didn't say which path you are trying to save to.
And what is the scene name you are trying to save it with?
As I said, it does not matter, where and which name … but here it is:
I try to save the scene under the name: MMI_test.duf
And to the location: /users/caw/projekte/caanwe/caanwe3D/DAZ/MMI/test
Today it froze completely …
I was thinking if it has something to do with write rights or special characters.
Have you tried to save to a non-default folder, or on another drive if you have so?