[Released] Hat Check for Genesis 9 [Commercial]

Quickly and easily create hair morphs to use your hair with different hats and caps, even sunglasses and hairbands! Hat Check works by using a sphere, cylinder or cube to define an Effect Volume which you position over the hair. Any hair vertices inside (or outside depending on the options) the Effect Volume will then be pulled close to the head of the figure. Any hair vertex outside the Effect Volume, but within the feathering distance, will be pulled partially towards the head of the figure.
Hat Check creates 2 morphs for the hair based on the label of the "hat": one using the label name (e.g., "RS Fleur Hat") that controls all hair vertices inside the Effect Volume, and one using the label name plus "feather" (e.g., "RS Fleur Hat Feather") for all the vertices at the edge of the Effect Volume.
- Quickly create hair morphs
- Includes 2 scripts for creating hair morphs
- Use Effect Volumes (Cube, Ellipsoid, or Cylinder) to specify the hair vertices to morph
- Use Selected Vertices to specify the hair vertices to morph
- Morphs can be saved separately or as part of the scene file
Morphs created by Hat Check are a Merchant Resource, which you can distribute with your Hair product.

YAY! Absolutely LOVE this!!! Didn't have time to watch all of the tutorial, so one quick question: Is this adaptable for other figures as well, or are expansions planned? Because I really really need this at least for G8 as well. It looks as if it should easily work with others, but since there's a script involved ...
Thanks for keeping coming up with such great useful stuff!
I assume this is for geometry-based hair, or does it also work with dforce hair?
(I mean, I'm going to buy it regardless, but curious...)
Please tell me this will work under DS 4,21,0,5
You're welcome!
I am definitely planning a G8 version. Versions below G8 will depend on sales.
Thanks Oso3D and FenixPhoenix! The Works with dForce promo is using the https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-fe-elegant-wave-long-hair-for-genesis-9 which is a dForce strand-based hair. I was kind of surprised myself that it works with them too but I guess everything is geometry by the time the string sees them.
I am not sure as I am at now, but I don't think I am using anything that would stop it from working with 4.21.
Thank you!
Working in dforce hair is SO WELCOME!!! AWESOME.
I think it may help with some of the fur pokethrough I'm constantly battling with my furries. Mmm.
(assuming I can move the boxes to other locations)
Any chance it could work to keep hair behind elf ears?
Sorry, Hat Check only works around the head/neck.
I don't think so. Hat Check would pull to the normal ear location.
Maybe the ability to move the moxes would be a nice add-on idea, or if it's not possible to do this freely, maybe just adding some new locations where fur often is a problem. Just an idea though. The hats are my personal main problem, so anything that gives me a general solution for that is soooo perfect and welcome :-)
That is a possibility. I would need to know the problem locations though.
Yay, it's in the store! Aaaaaaaand .... BOUGHT!
Here to be precise: https://www.daz3d.com/hat-check-for-genesis-9
Kudo for the main render, perfectly on brand and topic
Thank you very much!
Thanks! It was a hard render to make as I had difficulty finding the right environment for the hat check
There is an update already submitted:
For now, do not have any morphs dialed in on the hair when running Hat Check and make sure the figure is in the default pose and shape before running.
I have it in my cart now. Be later that I can purchase. Thank you.
You're welcome! Thank you for the support!
This is ONLY for genesis 9 correct?
Also, will this work with ds version 4.22
That's correct. I just had the G8 version accepted by Daz so that one will be in a month or so.
Yes, it does.
Anyone with renders from using Hat Check? It would be great to share what you think.
Just to confirm before I get my card out, it does work with (dForce) Strand-based hair?