Individual rain/tear drop. Possible? How?
I have an idea for a winter scene. I want to have an icicle hanging from roof edge, and from it I want a water drop just starting to fall.
Is it possible to have a water droplet? How do I do so?
Thanks in advance...
Yeou could just add a spher primitive (Create>New Primitive), add a dForm to that (Create>New dForm with the sphere selected), move the field up a bit so only the top of the sphere was affected, and move the dForm up to make a tear-drop shape. Scale and position as needed, select the surface of the sphere as well as the object (easiest with the Surface Selection tool) and apply one of the water or glass shaders included with DS (Presets tab of the Surfaces pane). Parent the tear to whatever it needs to move with (such as the icicle).