Lycan Female Released?

in The Commons
I have both Lycan Bundles (I sat on the free character bundle until literally the last day, was worth it). I also have Premier and don't see it available to install yet after updating the metadata a few times. When will it be released? The world needs more female werewolves!
I agree. I also don't have her for download. :(
Too bad she is locked behind Premier.
Daz just added insult to injury.
doesn't she be in the smart content library directly ? i will look soon
All but the Female should be in your product library or DIM. I'm not 100% where the Female would be located in DS to install.
Yes I have everything except the Female Lycan. It looks like it hasn't been released yet-it should be available in DS to install like the other addon shapes/products like Aiko 9, Vicky Dark Elf and Mikey 9 Orc Shape.
I did inquire about it because several people are having the same issue.
Thank you @frank0314
Purely supposition, but if it is something that you are only licenced to use while a premier member, then you might have to download through DAZ connect.
We had the same problem when Aiko 9 was released. It took a while for her to actually appear in Daz Studio Premier to install her. All the others have appeared and successfully installed-it's supposed to be listed as Available on your products tab at the bottom of Smart Content. Requires you to update the metadata for it show up (which I have done numerous times throughout the morning).
and it should also show in your product library in your account on this site. It doesn't
I just got Premier. Where is the female Lycan character? I don't see it in the free bundle. Does it just show up in DIM?
if it is like the other exclusive content (which i'm sure it will) it will be available via connect in your smart content (you will have to login, if you're not already).. the problem is Daz keep advertising these products before they are ready for download... wasting peoples time in the proccess as they seach high and low for the advertised content that they haven't yet made available.
That's my issue with this, too. And this is one I am actually very interested in. I hope we get it soon. And today.
She is finally available to download.
Here is a very quick scene of the G9 Lycan as a female without premier membership.
I saw it too in my library, but can't download it. No link to download
You need to get it through Daz Studio itself:
You need to log into DS and the update your metadata, and it should appear in the smart content via Connect
Is that bolded part accurate? I have Lycan Female in my product library on the website, but it hasn't appeared inside Studio since I picked it up in October. I haven't allowed connect to update my metadata - something I'm loathe to do because every time I have allowed it to do that, I've ended up reinstalling my entire library from scratch (no joke).
Kalei (Kai Premier exclusive) installed from DIM weeks before I used my coupon on the bundle *shrug*. That doesn't seem right either, but makes me wonder why these exclusives being delivered in different ways (particularly as one of them isn't working for me).
Yes, it needs to update metadata to know that you have the product to display it and enable download. I don't think these have an offline installer option, certainly the one I just checked didn't.
Thank you for clarifying. I see Kalei doesn't have a manual download in my product list either, but I was able to use her sliders in Daz prior to using my coupon for Kai. Kanoa, by contrast, hasn't shown up in DIM.
I do prefer the DIM install method (reason in my previous post). As I'm not prepared to take another chance with Connect at this time, the Premier bonuses appear useless to me. My assumption is that's the only way that Daz can deliver the encrypted content, so I imagine me having Kalei at all was an error.