LI Wolfsbane Fur - Lycan 9 / Addon / Pelts - Usage Help & Tips

Hey everyone! I’m here to share some insights and tips on using the LI Wolfsbane Fur products for Lycan 9, including the base fur, addons, and pelts. I know a few users have had questions, so I hope this helps you get the most out of these products!
Firstly, this was a massive project. What you see out of the box is just the foundation—the fur system can be pushed far beyond the initial presets. If you’re interested in diving deeper, exploring DAZ’s dForce Hair features and experimenting with custom density maps will really unlock the potential here. I designed it to strike a balance between performance and flexibility, making it adaptable to a range of system capabilities.
When working with the LI Wolfsbane Fur, you’ll notice two UV options:
UV BMU (Base Multi UDIM): This setting uses the Genesis 9 UVs, making it compatible with standard Genesis 9 textures. If you’re blending the fur with textures on other Genesis 9 characters, this is the way to go.
UV LYCAN: Specifically tailored for the Lycan 9, this UV setting aligns with the unique texture layout of the character, allowing for detailed fur placement and precise masking.
Why does this matter? Choosing the correct UV setting is essential if you plan to use Density Maps for customizations, like masking specific sections or achieving that “Mange” effect in some presets. Density Maps depend heavily on UV alignment, so selecting the right UV will give you more control over the fur’s appearance.
Some features may seem like “extras” that aren’t immediately necessary, but they’re there to enable advanced customization. If you want to push creative boundaries, try layering different fur regions or experimenting with density adjustments. The fur system is especially useful for characters wearing clothing—custom density maps can “hide” fur in specific regions to avoid overlap.
I’ll be honest, the biggest challenge I couldn’t fully resolve was creating smoothly blended edges. Unfortunately, DAZ doesn’t yet allow density maps to control hair thickness, which would have been ideal for creating more seamless transitions. Still, the potential of this product is huge, with plenty of flexibility for creative adaptations.
One of the biggest challenges in crafting the LI Wolfsbane Fur - Lycan 9 product was managing fur density across Lycan’s unique anatomy. Due to the significant morph adjustments that the Lycan 9 character applies to the Genesis 9 base shape, areas like the feet, ears, and snout experience spread-out fur density when additional strands are simulated.
This is influenced by both the UV layout and surface area (cm²) in each region, which can create variations in fur distribution. To address these challenges, additional assets were developed to enhance fur coverage in these areas, ensuring a consistent, natural appearance across the entire figure.
For the best results, keep the fur assets for these regions in Root Radius Mode. While this limits certain simulation options, it preserves the original grooming shape and form, ensuring optimal coverage and detail in tricky areas.
Tips & Tricks for Getting the Best Results:
Tip 1: To push the fur beyond its default limits, use Target Surface Mode in the dForce Hair Simulation settings. This setting unlocks the full functionality, generating additional fur strands for a denser effect. I recommend using Target Surface Mode primarily for the full-body fur simulations. When adding extra fur pieces from the Addon pack, switch to Root Radius Mode to keep simulations more manageable.
Tip 2: Start by applying the Wearable Presets. These presets provide a solid foundation, with essential fur settings already applied. They make it easier to build and customize your look.
Tip 3: Use LI Wolfsbane Fur - Lycan Coat as your base fur layer, then layer on LI Wolfsbane Fur - Lycan Culled to add variety. Adjusting the Culled fur settings can create lighter, flyaway strands, resulting in a natural, layered effect that enhances the appearance of the fur.
Tip 4: Hierarchical Material Compatibility – Hierarchical materials work seamlessly across all assets loaded onto Genesis 9 or Lycan 9, with a couple of exceptions. You can only have one of the Lycan Coat variants (standard or Alt) loaded at a time for hierarchical materials to apply automatically. If both are loaded simultaneously, manual adjustments may be required to achieve the desired look.
Tip 5: Understanding PR and PS Settings in dForce Hair Generation
PR (PreRender): This setting displays simulated fur strands only in the final render, which is useful for animations as it saves on viewport performance while preserving full dForce detail in the output.
PS (PreSim): This setting allows you to see the simulated strands live in the Iray Viewport, making it ideal for static renders. You can make real-time adjustments, which is especially helpful when fine-tuning for still shots.
This is just the starting point! If you have any questions or need additional guidance, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help you unlock the full potential of these products!
There are two ways to adjust many of the fur settings
Manual Adjustment: in settings in the Surface tab.
Preset Options: For a quicker approach, use the presets here
People\Genesis 9\Hair\Laticis Imagery\LI Wolfsbane Fur\Strand-based Fur
You’ll find targeted presets that can be applied to any selected asset. Just make sure you have the asset selected in the Scene tab and the desired Surface Region selected in the Surfaces tab.
These presets support multiple selections for added flexibility.
Tip #6: Getting the Best Results with Pelt Materials and UV Settings
If you’re seeing unusual results on the legs or other areas when using pelt materials, this is likely due to the UV settings. The pelt materials are designed to work with the UV BMU (Base Multi UDIM UV) setting, which uses Genesis 9 UVs. This means they won’t display correctly if you’re using Lycan 9 textures. To adjust, make sure to select Lycan 9 or Genesis 9 in your scene, go to the Surfaces tab, and set the UV to Base Multi UDIM.
Using Geoshells for Pelts: For optimal results with pelts, it’s best to use geoshells. The geoshells provide a consistent base that won’t interfere with Lycan 9 UVs, ensuring the pelt textures display correctly. Without geoshells, the textures can appear misaligned.
Optional Setup Tips:
LI Wolfsbane Fur - Shell Lycan (UV BMU)
along withLI Wolfsbane Fur - Lycan Coat
.This approach should help achieve a natural and cohesive fur look, even with complex layering!
Your product looks amazing! Well done!
I think it's a great idea to set up a thread for support and tips. :D
Workaround Tip for Using Lycan 9 textures with Pelt textures to drive fur Color
If you're looking to use the LI Wolfsbane Fur - Pelts with the Lycan 9 figure while ensuring proper UV compatibility, here's a workaround to consider:
This method allows you to use the Lycan 9 UVs while working with the Genesis 9 UV Set: Base Multi UDIM.
Important Note: Hierarchical materials will not apply automatically in this setup, so you'll need to handle textures manually. Here’s a quick process to streamline your workflow:
By using this workaround, you can achieve a functional setup, and you can utilize the presets available in the Strand-based Fur settings for any manual adjustments you need.
The Target Surface Mode in strand-based offers extensive customization options.
I was quite excited when I saw this Lycan 9 character displayed in the DAZ3D store along with all of the available Wolfsbane Fur add-ons and the Wolfsbane pelts. And I'm thankful that you have provided tips on how to stetch the capabilites of this this character. But I can't seem to get the basics down. I can load the 'Wearable Fur,' no problem. But I can't get the fur material to change color. I can't utilize any of the pelts. I just have a snow white wolf. I've wrestled with settings and materials for hours and the results are the same . . . a snow white wolf with no color, no texture. Just blandness. Do you, or anyone other there have any tips or suggestions. It's been frustrating, but I'm convinced that I'm doing something out of order, or simply just a few mouse clicks away from getting the results that I want.
Make sure you apply the material to the Lycan and not the pelt. Also, I thought nothing changed but then I saw the changes when I rendered.
Ok, so with the fur on, posing is a nightmare. Any thoughts on a remedy for that? making them invisible doesn't really help.
Well, I have tried saving as a wearable or saving as assets, but neither really works all that well.
@ Choppski
A great question mate :) - and yes, there is a solution for that.
With the fur selected - under the Paramaters Tab - go to General / Simulation / Generate PreSim Hairs and turn this OFF
As secondary TIP, you will also find a function there to Turn on "Preview PR Hairs" should you ever need to use that.
@ Xavier Legget
I was just as excited when I heard there was a Genesis 9 Werewolf certainly was a balancing act creating this product.
I usually only create Hierarchal Materials becuase its easier to just have Genesis 9 selected when applying presets. That process was more important than ever for this product becuase there are so many assets and possible variations.
Imagine the amount of material presest that would have been required otherwise. That being said there were some frusting aspects while creating H.Mats.
@ Choppski, thank you for replying to Xavier
Saving as Assets will create a whole new product.
Saving as a Wearable Preset should work, just need to make sure you have Genesis 9 selected when doing so and making sure the items you don't want to load like eyes and mouth are deselected.
Thank you very much 3Diva
I agree, and my products seem to be getting a bit more complicated (espicalliy this one)...there are so many things that can be done with strand-based fur.
Thank you for your replies. As irony would have it, I discovered that I could load up one of the darker materials after I posted my query (but had to go to work, do inventory, etc., etc.) But thank you Choppski and LI. I'm still working with Lycan 9, trying to get as much out of this character as I can. So how can I load up that 'Fox Pelt' for Lycan 9 to wear? Whenever I try, I just get the washed-out, 'frosty-the-snowman' look again.
Hi Xavier,
If you want to have the Lycan 9 textures on Genesis and the Fox Pelt on the Fur the below is the process for that. ( This is because of different UV's and the way dForce Hair/Fur works )
Workaround Tip for Using Lycan 9 textures with Pelt textures to drive fur Color
If you're looking to use the LI Wolfsbane Fur - Pelts with the Lycan 9 figure while ensuring proper UV compatibility, here's a workaround to consider:
This method allows you to use the Lycan 9 UVs while working with the Genesis 9 UV Set: Base Multi UDIM.
Important Note: Hierarchical materials will not apply automatically in this setup, so you'll need to handle textures manually. Here’s a quick process to streamline your workflow:
By using this workaround, you can achieve a functional setup, and you can utilize the presets available in the Strand-based Fur settings for any manual adjustments you need.
The Target Surface Mode in strand-based offers extensive customization options.
Hello there,
Thanks for all of your help and suggestions. Ablout a week later, I finally got Lycan to work on my under-powered desktop. The results have been well worth it. Lycan 9 is an amazing character and I'm just now starting to flex its capabilties. Here he is with Reynard.
Hi Xavier,
Great news, it's nice to hear you got things working :)
Thank you for having picture examples, so many options in omnihair were baffling to me. But your series of thumbnails explained what each setting does. Azitmuthal Roughness ESPECIALLY baffled me.
Hi Eboshijaana,
Thank you for the feedback, very much appreciated.
It's not always easy to see what some of those settings do an interesting trying to find the right balance sometimes.
So, hey, I've been trying to make thick fur for the Lycan Coat. But even at settings like 1000 in the PS and PR density parts, it still comes out very thin. Is the thick fur exclusive to the add-on product?
Nevermind, I forgot to enable PS and PR in the settings XD
Glad you sorted :)