Looking for a White Scarf for Genesis 9 (Male)

in The Commons
Can anyone help me find a White Scarf or Scarfs that have a white colour option?
See attached pics as an example.
Thank you in advance.

500 x 650 - 32K

2000 x 2600 - 4M
you can make a scarf white by selecting it , under surfaces select diffuse overlay weight, turn up to1.under diffuse overlay colour put what colour you want
dforce-indian-scarf Has a good selection or just put scarf in the search for more.
@Plant I clicked on that link and it comes up with an error.
I've done a search using Scarf and it doesn't come up with much for G9. I was wondering if there's scarfs included in clothing packs but not shown in the thumbnail image of the packs?
Try this link: https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-indian-scarf
@Plant added a semi-colon accidentally, which messed up the link.
It works on any figure i just tested it on gen 9
The scarf from the 1st promo comes from https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-titan-clothing-set-for-genesis-9 Then remove texture map in Base Color slot and give a while or light grey color. Add some value to Diffuse Roughness slot.
Or, better use some good shaders (ss1), e.g. https://www.daz3d.com/mmx-knitted-fabric-patterns-4-for-iray as the tex. map from that product was not well made...
Then thicken the scarf by using Thickener plugin because the geometry of the item was not well made either... too thin.
Besides, some scarfs for G8 can be loaded on G9 by using Auto Fit. So don't limit searching products for G9 only ~~ (ss2)
Thank you for your valuable information. I have not gotten around to working on scarf. It's been hot, located in southern hemisphere and I've been sick with COVID.