Has Daz abandoned DazToUnreal?

I'm aware that DazToUnreal plugin has been forked to another Git repository, and it can be downloaded from there. However, I just really don't want to deal with that. I like being able to export directing from Daz without having to make an extra effort to find XYZ and such and install it myself.
It looks like the most recent version was October 2023, and it only goes up to Unreal 5.3. At time of typing this, Unreal just released 5.5.
Has Daz abandoned this functionality?
Thanks in advance.
As far as I know the bridge project is still active but as an application plugin it takes Daz Studio some time to update the plugin as official. Through the current Unreal development cycle it's a lot to ask plugin developers to update their products overtime Epic bumps the build ID. Things to consider .
1) The DazToUnreal plugin is an open source project under the Daz3d banner. By extension Daz3d does not have the responsibility of updating the plugin along with each version bump but since it is open source some have been nice enough to update on their own. For example https://github.com/David-Vodhanel/DazToUnreal/releases/ includes the latest 5.5 build.
It's one of thous things that is hard but becomes easier.
2) The developers of the plugin have been granted a Epic developer grant which makes the Genesis character an official resource and an alternative to the Metehuman character solution.
One thing I've noticed is the export continues to improve.
Seems like there's an updated version on FAB today, compatible with UE5.4