Contents creation tools

in The Commons
How can I create Daz contents as wardrobe ?
Are there tools for create them ?
And, can be directly imported to Daz for my use or have to pass for store first ?
Thanks, Xavi
If you already have a 3D model of the clothing, you can create a Wardrobe for your character figures to wear in Daz Studio. If you don't have a 3D model, you'll first need to create the clothing using an external 3D modeling tool like Blender. Either way, you don't need to go through the SHOP.
Here's a general outline of the process:
1. Obtain a 3D model of the clothing from somewhere, or create your own using a 3D modeling tool like Blender.
2. Use "Menu > Edit > Figure > Transfer Utility" to transfer the bones from the character figure to the clothing's 3D model.
3. Save the clothing with the transferred bones as a Follower/Wardrobe by going to "Menu > File > Save As > Support Asset > Figure/Prop Assets."
In practice, you'll also need to make various adjustments such as weighting, smoothing, and applying dForce.
There are few good tutorials by Mada over on the Daz Studio Experts website:
Sickleyield also has some helpful tutorials on her channel:
Once you have modelled something with a modeller (Blender, Modo, Hexagon, Zbrush and likely many others) or find a model of something you want in Daz Studio, I think that outside of the tool to import HD morphs into Daz Studio (Daz is reserving that tool to PAs selling on Daz, for items sold on Daz), Daz Studio have everything someone needs to create props or wardrobe items for Daz Studio, either only for their own personal use or to sell to / share with other people.
Mada shared lots of tricks and advices on her Youtube channel regarding clothes:
Jay Versluis also have a treasure troves of videos on various subjects like rigging props, clothes, etc:
They are others than these two, but Mada and Jay are the ones that came first to my mind.
technically you can make clothing in daz studio, if you are good with learning plugins and thinking creatively. I would use primitives and remove facets and drape; export as obj, reimport, rig and save. I'd use dformers. I used to use MeshGrabber but I think that's behind the daz subscriber paywall now. is a good plugin too for combining shapes or cutting shapes that you can then edit to use as clothing. :)
Mesh Grabber 3 is still available: it's the fourth version that was bought by Daz and made exclusive to Premier members.
in addition to those:
Josh Darling:
Esha's tutorials on daz store are kinda complete but are obviously not free
For actually making the model, Blender can do everything for making clothing models. Marvelous Designer is not free but is very good. Substance Painter is also paid but good for texturing. Cant see needing more than those three. Perhaps zbrush also but only you if you outgrow blender which is unlikely.
just because you can doesnt mean you should. work smarter not harder etc.
Very good information.
Thanks to all