Question about a daz shader set

I have bought these: , but so far I have only managed to get one of the shaders to work and that was not fully functioning either. It says in the pdf:  "a basic Daz 2m plane divided 10 times", so a daz plane, a primitive, is that what he means? and how do I divide that 10 times? I loaded a plane, converted it to subd and it totally lost it's shape. Tried some different subd settings and got it to be a plain again, and manage to get it to be 8 subd, divided 8 times. No matter how many times I tried - did not mangage to get it to be divided 10 times.

And the rotation missery w a daz plane? not related to the shader, but the general misery of getting it rotated the way I need? not fun.

Back to the shader, managed to get it to be divided 8 times, and still, when I turn up the height and subd in the settings it get's completely distorted. NO way to use it like that. The shaders are perfect for what I need - Tomb Raider style temple shaders, so I don't want my money back, I want the shaders to work. Could a kind soul make a plane like he says: a basic daz 2m plane divided 10 times? w  rotation that makes sense? so I can try using it w the shader. If someone have the shaders, can make such a plane and test and send it to me - Bless you in advanceheartheart.

How I  have worked in daz for YEARS and still be clueless about a simple primitive plane? I wonder the same myself laugh. Thank in advance if someone could send me the plane model heartheart. It's SO frustrating to see those shaders, and no matter what I try - nopesad. The artw I managed to make w it I had to fix it in affinity as the rows of skulls was not in a straight line.


  • ElorElor Posts: 1,889


    I don't have the product, so can't help you, but the creator opened a commercial thread and usually, it's the fastest way to get some help with a product:

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,471

    When you go to create a primitive there should be different options to change the size and divisions and subdivisions try changing the division to 10 and try subdivision catmark

  • joannajoanna Posts: 1,591

    tombraider4ever said:

    I have bought these: , but so far I have only managed to get one of the shaders to work and that was not fully functioning either. It says in the pdf:  "a basic Daz 2m plane divided 10 times", so a daz plane, a primitive, is that what he means? and how do I divide that 10 times? I loaded a plane, converted it to subd and it totally lost it's shape. Tried some different subd settings and got it to be a plain again, and manage to get it to be 8 subd, divided 8 times. No matter how many times I tried - did not mangage to get it to be divided 10 times.

    I don't have the shaders, but when you are in the primitive creation window, you can click "More" at the bottom, and it will give you options, and one of them is "Divisions". I guess you need to set it to 10, so your plane (regardless of its size) is divided into 10 equal pieces.

  • Thank you so much everyone for your kind advice, I appreciate it very muchheartsmiley. I bookmarked the thread for the shaders if I get more trouble. I followed the advice to set the division to 10 at loading the plane, and the 2m he talked about, that must be 2 meters, as that is possible to set in the settings, I'm guessing it means 2 meters. I did not know about that. I tried this and the shaders now works PERFECTLY heartlaugh. I love them so much, most of them PERFECT for scenes where my Lara Croft model is raiding looking for treasures heartsmiley. I prefer simple scenes just focus on making my Lara look gorgeous, so those shaders is just what I need. One more question: about the rotation of the plane - what to choose, I tried both the center at world center - or whatever it was, and the center of the obj, and I tried some of the option for x negative/positive ect. All I tried is not working as I see it. If I hold up a piece of paper in real life I have NO trouble rotating it back and forward, side - side , and twist. No problem. In daz - tons of problems. Sometimes I get 2 of the rotations the same - like two for twist or someth. So fucked up. SO I wonder what I should choose to have the plane be a wall I can rotate freely. When I load a plane, rotate it once to be a wall the shaders is the wrong way so I need the rotating thing to work as I think it should work, as I will always need to first get it the right way up, then up to be a wall. Until I figure out this, or get a reply I will save the wall plane I have now as a figure preset to load when I need. 

    I have no patience to watch tutorials, have some I have bought years ago that I still haven't watched lol, to busy w making my art for that. So when I need help I learn by googling, but this time googling didn't tell me the answer, so then I ask here. Love it when I have learned new things in daz, it's like a whole new world opens up, Thank you so much for the replies!heartsmiley

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