3Delight and IRay Render issues with new Nvidia GTX950

drgmc2drgmc2 Posts: 16

I have installed a new EVGA Nvidia GTX 950 in a Dell XPS 8500 with 32 GB of RAM. Prior card was a 3 year old Radeon. The history portions in the Render box on both render engines move quickly with 3Delight about 1 iteration per second and similar on IRay. However, the render pane in 3Delight after 20 minutes consists of colored rectangles of various sizes, and on IRay is black within 2 minutes. I am using Genesis 3 figures, and have cut off the extra lights in the scene to no avail. I am using Daz3D 4.9. Any help would be appreciated. 

Post edited by drgmc2 on


  • The GPU won't help with 3Delight, the blocks are because you are doing a progessive render - which is the default setting.

    As for the Iray render, if you are using the same lights as in 3Delight they may not be strong enough (or doing anything at all if they are surface shader lights). If not, is the sceen enclosed by a sky-dome or -box of some kind?

  • drgmc2drgmc2 Posts: 16
    I appreciate the response. If I use the 3Delight what should I use instead of a progressive render? The screen is not enclosed by a dome or box as I had read in other posts that that would cause IRay issues. I had not considered the opposite (and in retrospect, logical) possibility of not enough light, so will work on that issue. I have read your responses on other posts and appreciate your time.
  • drgmc2drgmc2 Posts: 16

    When I looked at the 3Delight render engine settings it actually indicates that the progressive rendering is turned off.

  • drgmc2drgmc2 Posts: 16

    So, turned progressive rendering "on" in 3Delight and it worked perfectly. Deleted the lights in the scene and applied the IRay light group and it worked perfectly. Thank you so much for the advice.

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