Can I make Clone (Alias) of Rig rotation properties?

kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
edited February 2016 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi, before I often make Alias for figure properties. (usually set Alias for pose controller ,,

eg,, make expression controller for root node,  name = expression1, which assgined to root node,

 after that make alias for pose 1 assgined to head node,, so that when I select head,, I can use expression1, as same as  when I select root.)

Now I trying to mimic new genesis3 rigging. 

I know,, twist node , bend , and side-side is Alias of Bend node.  then I make simple cylinder, then add nodes,

now I hope to make Alias of  Rig1Bend (node)  Xrotate (property) , then assgined for Rig1Twist (node).

I remember,, usually I just need to use  Property Cloner with make as Alias option  

in Parameter tab Edit mode.  but it seems not make Alias (or make Clone) for General>Transfroms properties.


Is there way to make Clone as Alias about these Translation properties?sad

I try to set Alias in Property Hieralchy pane too,, but there seems no way,, to directly make new Alias for differetn node.

and I made new "property" for "twist node" then try to set it as Alias of "bend node", but it can not work too. (in Property hielarchy pane)

(I know, genesis3 figures actually use Rotation property Alias for Bend and Twist nodes.)  then hope to use same  way to my rigging. 

If I need to manually tweak each dsf s,, it seems difficult for most of user,,, to rigging and pose figure  as same as genesis3 wquartanion rigging,

and posing way.


Anyway,, I wan to know , how to make  Alias of rig translation properties, then assgin them for another node.

there should be way,,user make it (because,, genesis3 rigging work so,, and I can see Alias for these rotation  too)  to mimic DAZ rigging way for genesis3. (not copy anything,, just for rigging my props or figure)

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Post edited by kitakoredaz on


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Did you ever figure out how to do this?

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Yes after that,  I actually tweaked dsf of my test figures comparing with genesis3 dsf codes. then I could re-produce,  at that time, but it was actually real complex workflow, then I will not try it again. (it is not stable I feel, though I could it at that time,,)

     and nowdays I do not explore much daz original rig system,,(I prefer just play simple render with daz studio) but concentrate on another aprication,,


    then I do not think I can re-produce and offer some help for user who hope it.  I know you seems have asked about it in another topic, but I could not explain well how to tweak dsf and add property for re-produce Alias about those property.  sorry. sad

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    OK, thanks for replying.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,955

    You are doing it right.  In the above screen shot, the second one, all you needed to do was click accept.  The Name and Lable will not be populated if you are cloning the rotation, translation or scale dials.

    One of the uses for the property cloner is to allow you to clone pose controls from the main node to the differnt child nodes or vice versa.  For example, you could create a custom dial called "Car door open" on the door node and then clone it as an alias to the main node so that the pose control can be accessed from either place.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Hi matty thanks, but yes I know how to make clone and alias,, and how I make pose controller which assigned diffrence node, or use Alias.

    , but as you said,,, The Name and Lable will not be populated when I need to cloning the rotation, translation or scale dials. that means I can not get Alias

    controller, which can controll (translate rotate)  different (target node).  or it actually offer clone controller to rotate or translate another node some where?


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited April 2017

    just to confirm why I planed it,,  About genesis 3 , it use many Alias for usuall rig rotation, to set different weight map for twist and bend( side-side)

    (it is part of double quartanion rigging I think),   with out it,, all three way weight map is same , then not deform well.   when user try to rotate bend node.

    eg there is many boneset compose by two node, parent bend node, and child twist node. 

    then daz restrict,  BendA bone onry use for Bend (side-side) rotaiton, with lock and hide, real  twist parameter of the node, . but offer "twist" dummy property, as Ailas of "twistA bone"  twist property,, then ,twist A bone lock and  hide Bend and side-side  parameter, but offer Alias of BendA bone bend proeprty .

    After all,  BoneA set (twist node and bend  node) can use different weight map for bend and twist. 

    Only about Foot toes node, daz add another trick to controll all small toes bones by toe bone,,controller,  (ithough t is really annoying when transfer genesis3 to  other aprication, and pose as same as daz studio,,, )

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
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