Wardrobe Helper (Commercial)

Hi everyone! This script helps you create your favorite outfit sets from your library and easily transfer them to other saved scenes. If you find a bug please let me know. Thank you

2000 x 1066 - 625K

2000 x 1066 - 568K

2000 x 1066 - 537K
Interesting ~ So it also works for Smart Props, right?
I looked at this product in the shop this morning: https://www.daz3d.com/wardrobe-helper
I don't really understand what it does, what problem it solves, or what advantage it has over a wearables preset or a scene subset.
I plan make better save function for props(sword, knife, smartphones props etc) in an upcoming update for this script. Meanwhile, experimental "Find items method" to search for all elements with props inside character bones does work not correctly while load to character.
Well, Smart Props are not only limited to weapons, consumer electronics...., hats, caps, glasses, collars, jewellery (earrings, bracelets, piercings, etc.), yada, yada... are all commonly-seen wearable accessories. When saving wearable presets, most of the time we need them all.
Personally, I'd like to suggest rename it to Wearables Helper.
Anything the script finds without the “Find items method” option enabled - all, will work at moment, but in a future update I plan to improve this option to transfer items correctly, it takes more time to fine tune it.
Okay, great !
Any chance of attaching the PDF to this thread, so we can read more about it?
I have made improvements, now all wearables and props are load and save correctly. I will submit a request to update script after debugging it
I'll look into that question, whether it's possible.
I'm absolutely excited about the wardrope helper!
It saves so much time as I only have to dress a character once, adjust the clothing, save a wardrobe and can load it later on different characters with all adjustments dialed in, and it takes also custom geometry groups - I love it!
If you plan an update, here are some ideas for additions:
- At least for shoes, it would be great, it it would be possible to optionally save/load also the feet pose
- Loading just the subset of a wardrobe would be nice
- It would be cool if directories in the options could be modified (for backup)
- An options to add the wardrobe helper to the tools bar would also be great!
Thanks again for this very helpfull script!
Happy New Year
Hi, thanks, glad you like it. These features you described are already in the update
Sounds great! When will the update be available?