[Released] Oso FilaToon Kit for Genesis 9 [Commercial]

Oso FilaToon Kit for Genesis 9 | Daz 3D
Options for a somewhat less stylized toon look for FilaToon!
3 Masculine, 3 Feminine skins, plus options to mix with the anime skins.
A variety of shells to add facial lines to enhance look and character.
Using standard Genesis 9 Eyes, textures to give them a stylized look plus a wide variety of highlight options.
Standard eyes don't fit quite right with the anime masculine/feminine shapes, so if you are using them a correction is provided: switch on Oso Fila Toon Kit Anime Real Eye Fix
dForce Hair
Presets to transform dForce Hair to use in FilaToon.
Real nice. In the cart and looking forward to testing it out.
Brilliant. Thanks for supporting FilaToon - not so many Published Artists do so.
Well, you know me; I've been wanting good stylized stuff for Iray for AGES. Heh. I'm so thrilled with FilaToon!
It's so weird rendering a promo in about 30 seconds...
Playing around with Astaroth. Here's a 'out of the box' version and then applying facial details and eye materials.
Nice. Still debate, if I will have a use for him.
Finally has purchased his bundles.
Artini: if you want the eyes to sit more properly id suggest adjusting eye depth and width (I think those are in G9 head shape )
It's an issue I've noticed with a variety of anime shapes designed to work with anime eyes.
Thanks for the info about eyes.
I have to play with these parameters for the eyes.
"Hi Oso3D,
Could you make one like it for Genesis 8? That would be great, and a lot of people would buy it—I'll be the first!"