any way to add extra sound layer in sequencer tray?

want to add extra sound effects, and couple mimic pro characters talking at the same time
mebbe a fenric plugin?

thanks smiley

workflow idea for a one person team with dayjob-

render 5-10 second avi's in batches
add sound effects and dialog within carrara

use sony acid for background music

use sony vegas to splice together avi's and music rendered out in 5-10 minute clips

use dvd architect to arrange the clips on a menu


  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945

    Carrara is not Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas, the sound you can import into Carrara must be a reference only ( for ex. to make lipsync or movements on the music).

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i added a sound effect for plane. worked great, rendered the sound in the avi.
    but want to add a missile sound effect to start before the plane sound ends

    is nice and easy in carrara, put it right under the keyframe triangle 

  • mmoirmmoir Posts: 821

    In the Sequencer/Soundtrack channel click the "+" sign to the right of the word Soundtrack.  This adds another soundtrack channel. I don't know if you can have overlapping sounds in Carrara but you could try it out.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    mmoir said:

    In the Sequencer/Soundtrack channel click the "+" sign to the right of the word Soundtrack.  This adds another soundtrack channel. I don't know if you can have overlapping sounds in Carrara but you could try it out.


    thank you!!!   squiting for the +  lol. 

  • you certainly can do it but to be perfectly clear even profesional movie producers use a foley stage and even the actors have their voices recorded separately hence the "clapper" then post produced to the film or digital recording, certainly in CGI this is the case.

    I myself render to image series and only use the voice wav file to drive the mimic plugin and infact delete the sound after the NLA clips are generated.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    HI Misty,.I was going to add some comments ,... but Wendy,. who is no fool !.. got here faster, and explained it better.

    Carrara isn't an audio editor,. or a video editor,.

    Add your sound tracks, or sound effects in post, in a video editor

  • BC RiceBC Rice Posts: 591
    fool said:

    you certainly can do it but to be perfectly clear even profesional movie producers use a foley stage and even the actors have their voices recorded separately hence the "clapper" then post produced to the film or digital recording, certainly in CGI this is the case.

    I myself render to image series and only use the voice wav file to drive the mimic plugin and infact delete the sound after the NLA clips are generated.

    Hm. I'm not totally sure what this means. If the person already has their sound effect, I'm not entirely sure why rendering the SFX in Vegas or Premiere would make much of a difference. For those of us who work in PNG sequences, it makes sense, but I don't know if the quality is much different AVI vs AVI. 

    In film they use a clapper to help sync dialog because they use a separate audio recorder to record dialog. The main reason they do that is because back when everything was shot on film, having a microphone attached to the camera would render pretty terrible sound. Additionally, mic placement and camera placement didn't have to be one in the same. 

    These days, besides the latter point above, no camera on the market can compete perfectly with a dedicated mixer and audio recorder. Some uber low budget indies record directly into camera, but that's not the norm (even on the indie side). Additionally, being a boom operator is a specific skill set. 

    But once the audio is recorded and shouldn't make a real discernible difference whether you render out of premiere, Vegas or straight from Carrara.

    I always use an editor, and coming out of a program like Flash, audio is no good there. But from Carrara the audio might be serviceable. 

  • BC RiceBC Rice Posts: 591

    I'm not disagreeing, mind you. You have infinitely more control in a proper editor. But if the person has *exacty* what they want from the audio track...then rendering out of Carrara (I'd think) wouldn't make a huge difference 

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    In the example of lip syncing to an an audio track, you wouldn't use.a final song for the lipsync, as there are too many pops and bangs to create an accurate speech sync, instead you would create another track and speak the words in time,. then lip sync that track to get the final animation (preferably frames) and then add the final soundtrack in a video editor.



  • aspinaspin Posts: 219

    I cut my videos in Sony Vegas, divide video and sound from original recordings, render out a low quality video.

    Then I take the low quality (for performance reasons) video and its higher quality audio into Cubase, make soundtrack, add audio sfx and so on and generate the final audio track.

    This final audio track I take back to Sony Vegas to put it all together.

  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945

    I have a question: can you import a .wav file in 16bits/48Khz into Carrara (DVD and standard format for any films) ?

    I can only load a 16bits-44.1 Khrz (CD format).


  • BC RiceBC Rice Posts: 591
    3DAGE said:

    In the example of lip syncing to an an audio track, you wouldn't use.a final song for the lipsync, as there are too many pops and bangs to create an accurate speech sync, instead you would create another track and speak the words in time,. then lip sync that track to get the final animation (preferably frames) and then add the final soundtrack in a video editor.



    You would definitely need to do that if you're using some form of automated lip sync like Mimic Pro. I've only ever used automated lip sync a couple of times (with Crazy Talk), and it definitely doesn't distinguish between the two. I know with Crazy Talk you can actually type in the script to help the automated lip sync. I think Mimic might have something similar. 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    it works!!!

    added sound layers.  preview plays 1 layer, but avi rendered 3 layers, together.
    lil hairline tells where in sound clip to start playin. dont see ome to crop tail off clip


    sequender sound layer.JPG
    1863 x 717 - 139K
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    only feature request i can think of regarding the sound would be a way to adj volume on each layer

  • MistyMist said:

    only feature request i can think of regarding the sound would be a way to adj volume on each layer

    Misty, that is what your music editor is for laugh

    I only use the free Audacity but all digital audio workstations have gain and left right sliders.

    I split stereo tracks and use fade filters to make sounds move across the channels too.

    Audacity can use most VST plugins with a host plugin too, not VSTi though just effects.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    thanks.  will have to learn a daw eventually. lol

    trying minotaur again today with the geograft tricks wink  vascular + bump maps 

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