Floating Triangles

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

I am using Josie for Gen3 and Terri Hair for Gen 2. When I fit the hair, there are two odd triangle that appear. They are a little faint in the test render but you can see them. I have another hair set, College Hair that does the same thing near the ends of the pony tails. It looks like detached ribbons. What is this? How can I get rid of it? I'm rendering in Iray. I tried messing with the hair morphs but nothing changes. Any tips would be great!

359 x 532 - 46K


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Those are probably handles to help in posing the hair.  Look in the Surfaces pane for a surface named "Handles" and set its Opacity to zero.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    You're awesome! Thank you soooo much. I was bummed about not being able to use my other hair style too! Thanks again!

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Don't auto-fit the hair as you will loose the extra posing bones those handle are for, parent it to the head.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    When I assign it to the character, a window pops up and asks me what character it was originally for since it's a Gen2 hair on a Gen3 model. I just tell it that it's for a Gen2 and that it's hair. Is that auto-fitting?

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Yes that is auto-fit, don't have the figure selected when you load the hair and it won't trigger the auto-fit.  Of course parenting to the head can be quite fiddly to get it aligned and sized so you'll have to make decision as to whether having the extra bones is worth the work.

  • About the posing handles — some hair sets (and they sometimes appear on clothes as well) include materials settings to turn the handles on and off properly. This is a one-click setting, much easier and faster than poking around in the surfaces tab.

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