"My Library" is empty from inside Daz Studio. Appreciate helps.
New to Daz. Appreciate your helps.
I must have did something wrong in the "Content DB Maintenance".
I checked hard drive with the following path: user/Documents/Daz 3D/Studio/My Library/
Followings folders, data, People, Environment, Runtime, etc.., and their contents are still there inside the hard drive the directory.
Inside Daz Studio when I click "My LIbrary" nothing shows up. Seems like "My Library" is empty for Daz Studio.
Thank you for your helps.
It's possible you have collapsed the folder list - there is a slightly darker arrow symbol in the separator bars between areas in some panes, clicking it collapses/expands that area of the pane. If you can find the control, clicking again should show the folder list; if that fails go to Window>Worksapce>Select Layout and reload your layout.