Poke throughs

I have a mysterious problem (actually two) with poke throughs (Adventure Girl pants). 

1. I get poke throughs in the render but NOT in the viewport. I use Iray in the render as well as the viewport.

2. Furthermore I can't get rid of the poke throughs which is annoying. I can fix it in photoshop but I don't think I should have to considering it is a G3 base character with a normal body and G3 clothing.


And yes, I have applied smoothing modifier and I have tried various smoothing iterations. 
(See now that there are some (minor) poke throughs on her boots as well.)

I am most curious about why I get different results in the viewport and the render. (Same camera).


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Generally, render only poke through is related to displacement settings...usually the min value is pushing the clothing item beneath the skin.  You can either raise the min value, apply a push modifier or remove the displacement.

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