Hello Daz where is the updated GenX for 4.5?

rbel_295e7c1d4crbel_295e7c1d4c Posts: 99
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Given this post http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/5878/P30/#92384 it would seem that Ralph has finished the update but it is sitting (lost?) somewhere within the Daz pre-launch process.

I (and no doubt many others) would be very grateful for an indication as to when it is likely to be released and humbly and respectfully request that the word 'soon' is not included in the response.


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I would imagine that DAZ 3D would like to test the plugin to make sure that it works correctly before releasing it live. I am quite sure that they are not holding on to it for nothing. DAZ 3D seldom read posts in the forums, you could ask through the Support tab at the top of the forum for a definitive answer.

  • rbel_295e7c1d4crbel_295e7c1d4c Posts: 99
    edited December 1969

    I was rather hoping for a response along the lines of 'we have 20 items in the to be tested queue, GenX is currently number 9, looking at those in front of it in the queue it should be available some time next week'.

    I assumed a mod would be able to pick up a post of this nature, however, I have raised a support request as you suggest.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Sorry we don't really have a direct feed into QA, so are often as much in the dark as you forum members. If we do have defintie information we do try and forward it to you, but if all you get is a deafening silence from us it's because we don't like admitting that we don't know everything. We would rather you went on thinkng we were omnipotent :-) :-) :-)

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