Help Please! New Computer, DAZ is Being Stubborn
I just got a brand new computer yesterday. I have all of my DAZ content on an external drive (drive F) I have always used. Well I was having trouble getting DAZ 3.2.1 64-bit on my computer so I decided to run it straight from my F drive, even though it's the 32 bit version.
Well DAZ works and loads, but now none of my scenes are loading correctly. As I understand it I have to preload everything that is in the scene and save it to a new file, so other files to read them correctly are created on a new computer. That's fine, I get that, even if it is stupidly time consuming.
What I *don't* get, and I'm worried about because I do character art, is that NONE of my characters have their morphs saved! It makes no sense. I loaded M4 up with *all*of his morphs and saved him in a new file so he'd load correctly. Well, he loaded in my character scene but my characters don't look like themselves!
Please help >.> I never recall having this particular problem in the past.
Second Edit: Okay, I can't say none of my characters saved correctly because at least one did, with all of his morphs. I don't recall if I used other M4 characters and/or morphs in my other own characters but, I guess that might be the problem? If so though I have no idea how to 'fix' it.
It is a long time since I used DS3, but as I recall, you need to APPLY the morphs to the character in question, not just load them, that way they will save in the new data folder, and the old scene file should open correctly.
Make sure that your new data folder is backed up, or you will have to do it all again. In DS3, the data folder is kept in the first path listed as a DAZ Studio Format folder in Preferences. When recreating these scenes, there is no need to pose or position the characters. You just need to create a new scene file with the correct characters and props in it, with the appropriate morphs. The scene file contains all of the other info needed.
I hope that helps a bit?